Chapter Thirty-Five

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San grinds the cigarette butt he dropped onto the ground with the toe of his shoe, already being his third one as he stands outside of the Science building. He glances at the doors, knowing what classroom -- no, whose classroom -- lies behind them.

The taste of menthol is still heavily prominent on his tongue as well as in his lungs, but he can't help his index finger and thumb from rubbing together in a craving for another one.

He has a bad feeling about talking to Professor Lee again.

Or, Lee Minhee, as he's come to know him by now.

Just the thought of the man gives San these uncomfortable shivers down his spine, making his blood run cold.

San takes a deep breath, overworking his lungs with such an intense intake of air.

He can do this.

It won't be so bad, right?

San tells himself that he is the one in control, that they are on campus grounds and nothing too terrible can happen.

If things get too uncomfortable or weird, he can always just walk away. He has to tell himself this because... Well, he has a feeling that Lee Minhee will reveal more information if San were a bit more convincing. A bit more 'worthy' of giving answers to.

San shakes his head and clenches his fists, "Fuck, why am I still out here like a coward?" He mutters under his breath, "This shit is stupid. He's just some man. A man I need answers from," San hypes himself up before he starts walking into the Science building.

A wave of his confident and slightly arrogant personality comes over him, settling his anxiety back and taking its place.

He's a bad bitch.

A bad bitch whose stomach still feels like it's going to turn over and fall out of his ass, but a bad bitch nonetheless.

San takes a long breath out as he opens Professor Lee's door to the classroom where he knew he'd likely still be packing away everything from a lecture or working on his laptop.

What he doesn't expect is to see someone already with him, leaning against his desk and talking to him.

Why is Seulgi here?

San hears them say goodbye, and Seulgi passes San with a nod, walking out of the room to leave San alone with Professor Lee.

Only... She doesn't leave. Not completely. She stands on the other side of the door to make it seem as if she really did leave the two of them. She hadn't planned on staying around here any longer than she had to, but after seeing San, one of her own recruits, going to talk to Minhee? She wouldn't pass up eavesdropping on this conversation.

It's what a good Twilight leader would do, of course.

"Mr. Choi? You weren't supposed to be assisting me today, were you?" Professor Lee asks, unable to hide the subtle smirk that comes to his face as soon as he sees San walking up to his desk, "Or did you just want to help me clean my desk again?" He questions with a low chuckle.

"I was wanting to speak to you about something," San says, adding a hinting tone with each syllable.

"Mhm," Professor Lee stands up and slings his laptop bag over his shoulder, "Well, Choi, I have to grab something from the basement if you'd like to join me," He winks and brushes his hand against San's ass as if it were an accident, but San knows better.

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