Chapter Twelve

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Saturday evening came quicker than Yunho thought it would, and now here he sits with his parents at the dinner table, thinking about how he wants to tell his parents that he's going to go out tonight. He was nervous, but he knew one thing, and that was to not bring up the fact that he was going with San.

"I was going to go to the soccer game at school with my friends tonight, if that's okay," Yunho says as they're finishing up eating their dinner his mother had prepared, interrupting the common silence that settled around them most dinners.

"Which friends, honey?" Yunho's mother asks, standing up from her seat to pick up everyone's cleaned off plates. She's been especially attentive tonight after Yunho's father complained of a headache.

It was not a good night to say he was going with San.

Yunho regrets his word choice immediately, realizing he shouldn't have said the phrase 'with friends' in his sentence.

"Ah, I'm going to see my friends, not with. I have two new friends that asked for me to come cheer them on. They play on the school team," Yunho recovers, hopefully, smoothly.

"What are their names?" Yunho's father asks, still sitting at the table with his hands neatly in his lap. He narrows his eyes and shoots a look down at Yunho's elbows.

Yunho quickly nods and removes his elbows from the table before responding, "Seonghwa and Mingi. Seonghwa plays center mid-field and Mingi's a forward," he says, as if his parents know what those positions mean.

Yunho's mother's face lights up with happiness as she turns around to her son and husband, "That sounds wonderful, Yunho. I'm so glad you're making new friends," she says, genuinely happy her son has finally said some new names in this household.

Yunho's father nods in approval, "Well, you know curfew."

Yunho smiles, knowing that those words mean that yes, he can go. He knows he shouldn't have to ask for permission since he is 22-years-old, but still living under his parent's roof means that he's still a child to them and will be treated as such.

Yunho is excused from the table and goes up to his room to change into something comfortable. He looks through his closet of mostly white and light-colored shirts and he carefully picks out a pastel blue button-up and puts it on. When he looks at himself in the mirror he nervously goes between having the top button undone or buttoned up.

After much consideration, he decides on having it buttoned up.

It's cold outside, he justifies.


Yunho peeks out the window and sees San's car, taking an inhale of breath before he goes back down the stairs, but he's stopped just as he has his hand on the doorknob.

"You didn't say who was picking you up," His father's voice calls from behind him, willing Yunho to look back and see his parent's slightly angered and disappointed faces.

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