Chapter Twenty-Six

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Mingi finds himself in San's car once again. They've been hanging out quite a lot the past few days, especially following the awkward evening they were at Yunho's together. San has been nervous about going back over, so Mingi has been on his speed-dial this Fall break.

"I promised an exciting night, didn't I?" San breathes smoke out the window as he smirks at Mingi while they sit at a stoplight, "So get your head out of the damn clouds and live a little with me, Min."

Mingi can never turn San down, especially the unknown circumstances that always follow San. It intrigues him, it invigorates him. To Mingi, the unknown seems to be exactly what he needs and as it happens, it's exactly what he wants. Side by side with San, Mingi feels like he can let go and have an exciting life, and he's never been more grateful to have met him and become such good friends over the short amount of time he's known him.

"I always live with you, San," Mingi laughs, smiling at him when he looks over, "I always answer your calls, don't I?"

San scoffs and looks back at the road, but the joy doesn't leave his face, "Yeah, more than some people. Am I right?"

"San... Technically, it was you who made it awkward the other day," Mingi says bluntly, "He still won't answer your calls?"

San sighs and shakes his head, tapping his fingers on the top of the wheel as he pulls to the side of the street rather abruptly, "No, he hasn't... I shouldn't have assumed that in the first place," He groans and swings open the door to jump out, "I just had been suspecting for so long and hadn't said anything because I wanted him to work up and tell me, but damn. I can't even read my fucking best friend."

Mingi shakes his head, climbing out of the car and meeting up to walk with San, "You know I told you that that's what I thought he was going to say too... Maybe he did have a thing for you, but it went away," Mingi tries to explain, "Anyway... Isn't it a good thing that Yunho doesn't have those sort of feelings for you anymore?"

San kicks up some of the gravel and shoves his hands in his pockets to keep warm, "Yeah, yeah, I guess."

Mingi stays quiet for a moment, his thoughts that he's been thinking since that happened returning to the forefront of his mind, "Did you have feelings for him, San?" It's something Mingi has been wondering, and he's finally built up enough courage to ask him.

San nudges Mingi's arm, in a small avoidance of answering, but also to get his hand in his pocket with him, "It's freezing out, Min, come on." He smirks and squeezes Mingi's hand within his warm pocket as they continue their stroll, walking until San sees something worthwhile.

Mingi almost let the subject drop just like that. Almost.

"Did you?"

San shakes his head, "Ugh, Min, you're making me crave another cig already," He says with a groan to his voice to show his faux annoyance, "Yeah, but that was like fucking forever ago. I can barely even picture myself that small anymore, it's weird. I was slightly infatuated with him at the time and let my horny little ass steal his first kiss. At church, no less, Min!"

Mingi laughs along with San, both their visible breaths of air mixing together, "What happened, fetus Sannie?"

San fake throws up, "Never call me that again or I'm ditching your sorry ass out here."

Mingi narrows his eyes and smiles widely at him, "You'd never."

San tsks and turns away from him as they walk, "I started getting really fucked up and kept trying to bring Yunho into it since I liked him so much, but after a while, I saw how much he hated it. Then, I saw how different we really were. Like, yeah, I always knew we were different, sure, but it never really set in, y'know? God, I still can't believe he took care of me after I first took heroin. That's when I stopped liking him."

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