Chapter Eighteen

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The blush on Yunho's cheeks refuses to die down as Seonghwa holds his hand tightly in his own. Seonghwa drags Yunho up the stairs where they were before the game and takes him into one of the free rooms, wanting to get him away from the loudness of the party downstairs.

Yunho wanders around the room rather wobbly from the two measly shots he had, grazing his hand over various knick-knacks before he settles his eyes on the bed. He looks over at Seonghwa, "S-So you wanted to talk with me?" Yunho asks while he makes his way to sit on the edge of the bed, his mattress sinking in as he sets himself down.

The spot beside him sinks down as well when Seonghwa sits next to him, willing his eyes to follow, "I was curious as to why you didn't answer either of your truths," Seonghwa smirks, studying Yunho's facial expressions.

Yunho sighs and rubs his forehead with his thumb and index finger, "Didn't you hear? I've never been in a relationship... I haven't had a first love yet," He mumbles the ending of his sentence, knowing they're lies even as they spill out of his mouth. His hand moves to swirl pieces of his hair between his fingers.

Seonghwa places his hand atop Yunho's, bringing it back down to sit on the bed, "Don't be nervous," He says, letting his cocky and overly-flirtatious persona drift away for a moment. He's noticed little mannerisms that Yunho seems to have when he's nervous or feeling uncomfortable and has unknowingly taken note of them. Seeing him twirling his hair is something he remembers from when he had given him his mission in the museum. His timidness is still everpresent.

"Do you still feel that way about him?" Seonghwa asks, knowing that if Yunho was indeed still in love with San then that scene beside him just a while ago must've hurt him deeply.

Yunho hesitates, catching himself staring into Seonghwa's near-black eyes before he shifts, looking down at his hands, "I... I don't- I don't know," He stumbles over his words, never having admitted his wavering feelings for San out loud before. Yunho's liked him for so long that he didn't think the feelings would ever go away, but recently, they have. He had just grown so accustomed to feeling some type of way about San, that he never noticed the lack of presence in his own emotions.

The other night only proved that to him, but he still can't bring himself to truly deny his feelings for San.

"Do you love Seulgi?" Yunho finds himself asking, being curious about their relationship ever since Seonghwa said he didn't want to go to dinner with her and their parents. It could've been the fact that their parents were going, but he wasn't sure. His question rolling out only reminded Yunho that Seonghwa has a girlfriend.

And he was having questionable thoughts about him.

About a man that is already taken.

Despite his tipsy mind, he knows that he's going to have to beg especially hard for forgiveness tonight. He needs to stop these thoughts and feelings...

Seonghwa breathes out heavily, resting back on one of his arms, still studying Yunho, "Hm, now that's a difficult one, Angel," and it really was for Seonghwa. Because yes, he does love her, but not in the way he knows Yunho is asking, "Of course I love her. I've been with her for years and we've gone through a lot together," Seonghwa doesn't miss the uncomfortable shifting of Yunho's body and he doesn't know why, but it makes him hurry out with the last part of his statement, "But... No, I don't love her in that way."

Yunho ponders about Seonghwa's words for a moment. He doesn't love his girlfriend? Then why is he with her? This is all so confusing to him, but he doesn't get to think about it for long before Seonghwa is already asking him another question.

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