Chapter Twenty-Three

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Mingi and Yunho watch as San climbs in through Yunho's window that night. Yunho had explained to Mingi that his parents don't particularly like San, so he wouldn't be able to enter through the front door like he had. Mingi made a good impression on Yunho's parents, and they were thankful that Yunho was finally making some new friends. By that, Yunho knew they meant friends that weren't San.

San falls back on Yunho's bed, Mingi at his side while he hangs upside down off the bed, "I've been waiting for fall break since the start of the semester," San groans, "But shit, that failed exam really tanked my overall grade... I know I said if I made perfect grades after that, it'd be fine, but," He rubs his hands over his face roughly, the skin turning red from the blood rushing to it, "I didn't do so well on this test we had just before break."

Mingi pats San's leg and Yunho sits crisscrossed on the floor in front of his two friends, "Is your grade going to be okay, San?" Yunho asks with worry, knowing that his best friend has always been smart, "What happened with the last test?"

Mingi chimes in, "Yeah, didn't you tell me you were studying hard for that one?"

San sits up abruptly, turning to sit normally with them, his voice strained, "I was, I was... Fuck," He sighs and puts his face into his hands once again, "I don't know what happened," He says, but he knows that he's lying. He got drunk the night before and the test had gotten moved to that day and he was beyond hungover.

"Just do your best the rest of the time, Sannie. Maybe you could ask Professor Yang if they do extra credit? I can always help too, you know... I have him too," Yunho points out.

San waves a hand at him, telling him to drop it, "Anyway, aside from that bull -- I have so much to talk to you guys about," He says, and Yunho is a little confused by the uneasy look on San's face.

What's wrong with him? He hasn't seen San like this in a good while.

Yunho nods, though, "I have, uhm, something I need to talk about too," He needs to tell San and Mingi about Seonghwa. Now that Yunho finally likes someone that isn't San, he can actually talk to his best friend about a crush. A crush that San will think is Yunho's first real one.

Mingi smiles at the both of them, showing his willingness to listen. He's also excited because after they leave Yunho's, he and San planned to hang out together.

San groans out another curse, laying back onto the bed so he can stare up at the ceiling and not at his friends as he says what he's about to say, "I slept with Professor Lee the other day."

Silence surrounds the boys as they wait for San to continue. Mingi and Yunho's chest both clench, though. Mingi is disappointed about the reveal, but he can't say he's surprised. He knew what he saw that one day between the two.

"Fucking fuck, I'm going to sound so fucking stupid," He rambles, closing his eyes, "Have you ever wanted to sleep with someone so badly, but when it actually happens, you don't really want it anymore? Like you kinda regret it?"

More silence as Mingi and Yunho look at each other, knowing San's question is rhetoric. They both get this uneasy feeling in their stomachs as San continues. It's never been very easy for Yunho to listen about San's hook-up stories, but even now, as he's accepting his diminishing feelings for his best friend, his words are still making him uncomfortable and concerned.

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