Chapter Thirteen

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Jongho puts his car in park in front of Wooyoung's house, and looks out at his house while he's in idle. Wooyoung told him that he would come out to him when they met briefly between classes and to not come knock on his door or honk. He said that he'd know when Jongho arrived and he didn't have to worry.

He was telling the truth.

Hardly a minute after Jongho got there, Wooyoung appeared. But... It wasn't from where Jongho thought someone would normally. He'd have expected Wooyoung to come from the front door of his house, but Wooyoung appeared from the side. It confused Jongho for a moment, but he brushes it off with the smile that comes to his face as soon as Wooyoung is in his view.

"Hey, Doll," Jongho smiles warmly at Wooyoung as he lifts himself into his truck, noticing how he instantly sighs in relaxation at the warmth that's coming from the heaters blasting on him.

"Ah, your car is so warm," Wooyoung sinks back into the seat after he buckles himself in and he rests his cheek against the headrest, letting himself gaze at Jongho while he drives the two of them to their college.

Jongho takes a few glances at Wooyoung as he drives, admiring the way he looks in the black turtleneck he's wearing. He looks so handsome, it's going to be the death of Jongho. He sees the redness of Wooyoung's cheeks from the cold of the outdoors, and he's happy he can help make that beautiful boy warm again.

"I can't have you freezing to death on me, now can I?" Jongho chuckles, "What did you do today?"

Wooyoung subconsciously picks at the skin around his fingernails, "I just stayed in my room with Pita and worked on homework. Little thing kept trying to play with my pencils," Wooyoung giggles at the thought of his cat pawing them around on the floor, "I had to give him one just to keep him occupied while I finished."

"Being a pain like usual," Jongho jokes, "So what homework were you working on? Mr. Future Vet."

"Hey, Farmer, don't tease me! It was something for one of my mathematics classes," Wooyoung huffs, "I will barely even need math in my field... I just want to focus on my Science classes, but every semester, a maths course seems to sneak its way into my schedule."

Jongho laughs, "Hey, you need maths, Woo."

"Says who," Wooyoung crosses his arms in a fake pout, enjoying being able to act so childish like this. He's slowly coming to terms with his attachment to the freshman, much to his dismay. He worries he's going to ask to come into his home, or anything surrounding that.

"Says me," Jongho insists, "It's important, I promise you. I wouldn't lie," He looks over and winks, having picked up the habit from his brother.

"That sounds like something a liar would say."

"Oh hush, Dollface," Jongho can't rid his face from the big smile that's painted there. It's almost making his cheeks hurt, "So Pita gets to live his best life playing while his dad has to slave over his horrendous math homework," Jongho fakes sympathizes, "Ah, my poor boy..."

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