Chapter Thirty-Two

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Yeosang stares at the drip of his IV while Hongjoong goes out to invite all the boys into his hospital room. Even in a state like this, Yeosang knows that he and Hongjoong still need to discuss their plan with them all. He groans as he sits up, hearing the door open and soft footfalls enter his room.

"Yeo?" Yunho calls out first, his eyes still shaking with worry as he looks at Yeosang in his white gown, "Oh my goodness..."

"You look like shit," San says, but with more worry in his tone than normal, "Do you feel as bad as you look?" He goes over to inspect Yeosang's bruised up body, pointing at his lifted-up leg.

Yeosang shakes his head with a small smile, "My leg is broken. Did Joongie not tell you?"

"You look like the Michelin man in here, Yeo," San covers his mouth, "A fucking blueberry Michelin man," He says, referring to the blue-ish purple bruises.

Yeosang narrows his eyes and looks at Yunho, "Alright, take San away from me right now or else someone is going to need to get me a drink immediately."

Yunho takes San's arm and brings him back towards the windows where Seonghwa and Mingi are standing.

"Come on, loser, you know I didn't mean it like that," San groans.

"Listen, everyone," Hongjoong interrupts and everyone goes silent right as Yunho and Yeosang start to bicker back at San, "Yeosang and I, despite his- condition... need to talk to all of you about something we discovered over break."

"It, uhm, has to do with my brother... Eunsang," Yeosang says, his voice showing his nervousness in talking about the subject, "He was a recruit of Twilight just like us when he passed and... And I think Twilight has something to do with his death."

Hongjoong chimes in, "We think that one, or more, of his fellow members, was behind it. We don't believe the police's ruling that it was a suicide. It just- It doesn't make sense."

Yeosang shakes his head, "I-I found his diary from back then a-and... I have some people that we need to question. I wanted to ask all of you to help because... Well, we have some sort of trust, right? And- And I thought that you might know some of them... I know you do, San."

"I do?" San questions, surprised.

"Professor Lee was Eunsang's classmate back then. Do you think you could get some answers out of him?"

San unconsciously rubs his thumb and index finger together, "I... I'm not sure," He says at first but then grits his teeth, "No, no, yeah, I can do it. No problem. I'll ask him about his memories from Twilight or something. Don't worry, I'll come up with some shit to get him talking," San assures, but his stomach suddenly feels uneasy.

He doesn't have a good feeling about seeing Professor Lee again at all.

"I stopped by Yeosang's house to get the diary for all of you to look at in case you recognize any of the names," Hongjoong says as he rummages through his bag until he pulls out a small journal and hands it to Seonghwa first.

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