Chapter Nineteen

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San rubs his eyes as he walks into the kitchen, hearing the front door open while he sits down at the island. His mother is frying eggs and his father is looking out the window to see the early shift workers out on their extensive farmland.

"I was hoping you'd be home soon, Jongho," Their mother says with a smile, looking back at her youngest coming into the kitchen with them, "I didn't know you would be spending the night."

Jongho rubs the back of his neck, sitting down next to San so he can lean his elbows on the counter. He's so thankful to Wooyoung for having painkillers ready for him this morning, but he's realizing he has to come up with a lie quickly. His parents can't know that he was blackout drunk last night.

"I was this boy's ride and he fell asleep. I didn't want to wake him, so I just slept there too," Jongho says without any hesitation in his voice, having learned to lie pretty well over the years, but he's afraid his face might give last night's events away.

San snickers, "You sleep with him?" He teases, shoving Jongho's shoulder slightly.

"Shut up, San," Jongho shakes his head, blush coming to his cheeks, "We didn't do anything."

"Now, now, boys," Their mother says, plating the eggs for her three favorite men, "So the game was good, and the party was, too?"

"It better not have been too good," Their father says under his breath, but Jongho knows it was directed at him. It sends a stinging to his chest and he hates that feeling.

Jongho was almost always a good son, especially in comparison to San, behavior-wise. The only thing he did that was bad other than that was the time he had taken his father's car out and accidentally scratched the paint when he didn't calculate how close his passenger side was to a pole.

"It was fine, father," Jongho hums.

Once their plates are sat down in front of them and their mother also sits down with them, she speaks up with her bright tone once more, "Sannie said something about a boy," She smiles over at Jongho, "Is this a potential boyfriend?"

Jongho's cheeks redden at his mother's question, "Ah, well... I'm hoping he will be soon," He smiles to himself, thoughts of Wooyoung flooding his aching mind.

"That kid is way too hot for you, Ho," San shakes his head, "Like way too hot."

"Shut up. What about you and Mingi, huh?" Jongho teases his older brother right back, "I'm not sure I ever saw you come up for air last night."

San scoffs, some egg flying out of his mouth since he was fork-in-mouth when Jongho said that, "He's just a friend."

"Aren't they all just friends?" Jongho narrows his eyes.

"Boys," Their mother says rather sternly and both boys relax in their seats.

Jongho sighs as he finishes up his food, shoving the plate away from himself, "I'm going to my room," He mumbles, "I have studying to do."

Jongho trudges back to his room and falls back on his bed, staring up at the whirring ceiling fan as he thinks about the way Wooyoung looked when he woke up this morning to his little body next to his. His wavy blonde hair was messily slumped over his forehead, giving Jongho a perfect view of his beautifully flawless skin. Every time he sees Wooyoung's beauty mark under his right eye he thinks about placing a kiss on top of it.

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