Chapter Sixteen

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Hongjoong can feel the shaking of Yeosang's hands not long after they arrive at the afterparty, so he carefully leads him through the crowds and up the stairs.

Yeosang squeezes Hongjoong's hand, keeping his head down in hopes that not many people are looking at them going upstairs together. He couldn't get his hand out of Hongjoong's grasp if he wanted to, which he didn't, he was only trying to help him.

He cares...

Hongjoong leads the two of them into a vacant room and closes the door behind them before he walks over to the bed in the center of the room. Yeosang sits down slowly on the edge of the bed, looking up at Hongjoong with hazy eyes.

"Are you alright, my love? I could feel your hands shaking... We don't have to be here, you know," Hongjoong says as he kneels down in front of Yeosang, taking his face into his hands tenderly.

"I'm okay," Yeosang swallows, studying Hongjoong's worried face, "I just..." He subconsciously feels for his flask that he had tucked into his waistband, but it's no longer there. Yeosang curses under his breath, knowing that San likely snagged it from him before he ran off at the game.

Hongjoong rubs his thumb under Yeosang's eye, noticing he put his usual makeup on to cover his birthmark, "Don't worry, baby... We're alone here, okay?" Hongjoong tries to calm Yeosang's nerves, as he can practically hear how fast his heart is pounding. He knows all that alcohol can't be good for his love's body.

Yeosang tries to ease his mind, trying to not think of what happened last night or the fact of that day coming up. He relaxes under Hongjoong's touch, "I'm sorry..." He whispers.

Hongjoong gently rubs off the makeup that covers one of his favorite parts about Yeosang, "Don't apologize to me, my love," Hongjoong places his lips against the uncovered mark, "Just listen to my voice, okay?" He lets his forehead rest against Yeosang's, their eyes meeting in the middle.

Yeosang subtly nods, "O-Okay," He breathes out, the air hot against Hongjoong's face. Yeosang closes his eyes for a few moments to clear his mind, listening to the sweet words that Hongjoong whispers to him while he does so. His fast heartbeat stays constant, but it's cause shifts from his intrusive thoughts to the man in front of him.

"You're so beautiful... You're brilliant, did you know that, Yeosang?" Hongjoong feathers kisses along the side of Yeosang's face, "A beautiful man with an equally beautiful mind... And don't get me started on your heart," Hongjoong smiles against Yeosang's smooth skin, running his hand through his light brown locks.

Yeosang blushes from the compliments, his skin starting to tingle beneath Hongjoong's delicate touch. He slowly scoots back on the bed, allowing for Hongjoong to get up there with him, which he does without hesitation.

Hongjoong finds his place between Yeosang's legs, their chests flush against one another when their lips finally meet. Their tongues instantly find each other, loving the familiar sweet taste.

"H-Hongjoong," Yeosang whispers airly, his legs snaking around Hongjoong's torso as he bites down on Hongjoong's bottom lip before licking over it. His hands fiddle with the front of Hongjoong's shirt, internally cursing him for wearing a button-down of all things as he undoes the majority of it.

Hongjoong parts from Yeosang's lips for a moment to trail kisses down his neck where he sucks on the sweet spot where his neck and shoulder meet.

Yeosang's neck arches back when Hongjoong begins to suck, but he brings it back to press his nose into Hongjoong's shoulder, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

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