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A/N: Okay. I accidentally posted the old chapter(chapter1), but it left out the detail where Y/n does not view Arlo as a brother! Okay continue :)

"Chem boy"

"I like that one." I point at the soft red dress in her hand.

"Me too." She beams and walks into the dressing room.

"Y/n you should come to the dance!" she yells.

"I don't have a date... and you know I don't like dances that much."

"Cap." She says and I can tell she is rolling her eyes.

"Chem boy... and you like dances. You always say you don't want to go. Then when I drag you there you love it."

"Fine...help me pick out a dress." I say and she walks out of the dressing room with a smile plastered on her face.

"I love the taste of victory...you should try it sometime." She says and I push her laughing. We walk around the store and she points to a dress.

"This one." She says pulling out the lavender satin dress.

"That is out of my comfort zone.."

"Yes but it's spicy." she grins and I laugh.

"I'll consider it." I say and go to try it on. I undress putting on the soft material. It is loose and  tight in the right places. I smile satisfied and walk out of the dressing room. Avianna's eyes light up as she scans my body.


"Avianna I love it." I gush and she smiles.

"You better buy it before I do." she says giving me a smirk.


Next day*

I open my locker and start to pull out my books for chem and math.

"Hey y/n." Jackson says leaning against a locker.

"Is this going to be an everyday thing Jackson?" I smirk.

"Not unless you want it too." He winks and I try to hide my smile. We start to walk to chemistry and he walks beside me.

"So um.." He clears his throat and I start to get nervous.

"Are you going to the dance?"

"I-" I say getting interrupted.

"What are we talking about?" Arlo says and I roll my eyes.

"Mind your business Torres." I snap and Jackson has an annoyed expression on his face.

"Okay Allen." Arlo says walking away and I frown thinking I might have been too harsh.

"I um I'm sorry I have to go." I say and Jackson nods annoyed. I walk to go check on Arlo.

"Ja- I mean Arlo?" I say and he looks at his locker refusing to look at me.

"Are you serious right now..." He says shoving his books in.

"What?" I say upset.

"Nothing go with your little boyfriend."

"Arlo... He isn't my boyfriend."

"Well you like him." He says rolling his eyes.

"Why does it matter to you."

"It doesn't" he snaps.

"You sound jealous."

"Jealous?" he scoffs.

"Yeah by the way your acting right now." I say crossing my arms.

"I am just upset not jealous."

"Why then explain."

"He's going to replace me soon." He says looking down.

"Arlo...I love you so much no one can take that place as my boy best friend." I say and he pulls  me into a hug.

"I love you too Y/n ." He says and I smile. We separate going opposite directions. I just made it through the threshold before the bell rang. I look at Jackson and he smiles shaking his head.

"Right on time Ms. Allen now take a seat." Ms. King says and I oblige.

"What happened?" Avianna looks at with her brow raised.

"Arlo was mad about chem boy."
"Why?" She says while grabbing the worksheets and passing it behind her.
" He thinks he's going to get replaced."
"Ugh...he's such a baby."she says and I laugh. We continue to talk about the situation and do our work.
"Well I think chem boy likes you."
"I doubt it." I roll my eyes and write down some answers.
"Your oblivious." She sighs and I shake my head.

I get up heading towards my next class.

"Did Arlo get mad about little ol me?" Jackson pouts and I nudge him.
"Not everything is about you JP."
"Okay then If I'm wrong who is Chem boy ?" He says looking at me and I turn red.
"Your not the boy we are talking about."
"Shut up HAHAH" I say bursting into laughter.
" Then describe him... who is chem boy ?"
"It's none of your business."
"It is if it includes me."
"Well it doesn't."
"Prove it."
"Okay fine...it's the boy in the back corner." I say thinking of the next cute guy.
"Yeah him." I nod trying to be serious.
"Uh huh okay." He says obviously not convinced.
"I'm being serious."
"Okay I believe you" he puts his hands up in defense. We sit down and he leans on his hand facing me.
"What do you like about him then..." he asks and I stare at his grey eyes.
"He's um..."
"He's what?"
" I thinks he's cute.."
"That's it?" He says stretching his arms behind his head. My eyes wander up and down his shirt and I grab his chain.
"No there's more it just doesn't concern you." I say playing with it and then looking up at him.
Our face is only inches apart and he looks down at my lips then back at my eyes.
"Mr. Passaglia if you can be so kind to tell us what we are doing today." Mr. May says irritated and I back away from Jackson.
" I um-" Jackson stutters.
"Please pay attention next time instead of little crushes okay?" Mr. May sighs and I cover my mouth with my hand.
"Yes sir....y/n I'm getting you back for that."
"Oh really?" I raise my eye brows amused.
"When you least expect it." He whispers and I roll my eyes facing my attention to class.
" Okay FINE !" I say rolling my eyes at Avi .

"Nah nah nah... I wanna hear the words."
"Fine I like Jackson." I mumble and she grins widely.
"I can't hear you !"
" I LIKE JACKSON!" I yell and she throws her self back in laughter on my bed.
"Adorable." She says and I lay next to her. We stare at the ceiling where my vines hang.
" I think you guys would be so cute to be honest." She says nudging my side with her elbow.
"You think so?" I bite my lip nervously thinking of us together.


Soulmates ? A Jackson Passaglia Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now