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"So you don't have any interest in those girls?" I ask feeling worry course through me

  Jackson stalks towards me and puts his hands on either side of me.

" Y/n for the millionth time. No, they're like 20-something. they're more like cool aunts." He said and I smiled.

"Okay." I sigh, really believing in him. He lets go of my arms and I sit back down staring at him.

"Why did you leave so fast?...and why did you drink?" I ask and he looks away.

"I...I don't want to talk about it." He says shutting down completely and I frown.

I hate that.

"Jackson you know you can talk-"

"-No. End of discussion." He snaps.

" What's going on? I feel like I'm losing you." I say shakily, feeling an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"Maybe you are." He hisses and I don't see Jackson that I once knew, sitting in my hospital bed.

"But..." I whisper.

You said you loved me.

I change my face into a blank expression and stand up.

His eyes follow me as I pass him, and go into the bedroom.

I want him to follow. 

I want to hear the tread of footsteps behind me.

I think I hear it, but it isn't. Only the sound of a door shutting.

I allow my tears to fall as I lay on my side.

This is my fault.

I pull up my phone, and text Avi and see how's she's doing, but there's no response.

Loneliness creeps up on me and spreads like cancer. I can only fight it for so long. 

I lay on my back and let the horrible thoughts flow. Not chasing them, not trying to get rid of them, but simply allowing them to just be.


After what feels like an eternity I hear the lock click, and my heart skips a beat.

He opens the bedroom door and I can already smell the liquor on him.

"Why are you drunk?" I say, and he leans against the door frame.

"Because...y/n." He coos. "It numbs the pain." He says and I feel my heartbreak slowly.

What pain does he need to numb? I have no memory of our beginnings all I know is now.

"What pain are you feeling? What is making you feel like you have to numb out?" I ramble, feeling questions flood through my mind.

"I don't want to talk about it y/n." He says and I walk up to him annoyed.

"Let me in." I snap and he looks down at me.

"No," He says indifferently and I feel absolutely hopeless.

"How am I supposed to help you, I don't know what you're thinking!" 

"Why do you want to know what I'm thinking all the time?" he groans, looking up at the ceiling.

"Because I'm your girlfriend, and besides not everything." 

"You just want to know because you want to control me." He snaps and I furrow my brows.

"Control you?" I ask.

"Yes. You're going to break me." He murmurs and I walk up to him.

When did I ever...?

"I want to help you. Not break you. I'm not going to break you. Not purposely." I say lowly and he looks back down meeting my eyes.

"Okay." He says barely audible.

"Please don't drink anymore." I plead and he looks away. "please." I whisper and he nods slowly. 

I put my hand up to my face and drag my finger down his jawline. He grabs my hand, putting my finger between his teeth and biting down softly.

"Use me." I breathe.


"Let me take the pain away," I whisper and he slowly drags my finger down his bottom lip.

"Then I need you...now because I'm feeling a lot of pain." He murmurs and I pull him down slowly grazing my lips against his.

"Do it. Do anything." I whisper.

"Anything?" He asks and I nod.

His hands go down to my waist slowly as our lips move in sync.

He walks us over to the bed and I fall backward. I feel his body press against mine as our kisses get more heated. I run my hand through his hair as he bites down gently on my lower lip. I tug teasingly at his hair and he groans, the sound echoing through me, waking every nerve in my body. His lips move down to my neck, leaving a burning trail of kisses. I gasp as he murmurs my name against my skin making goosebumps spread all over. I wrap my legs around his torso as a sign, and his lips find mine again this time more desperate than before.


The next morning we're tangled in each other, and flashbacks of the night before flash through my mind sending an intense amount of butterflies to flow through me.

"Good morning," I whisper and he smiles lazily, and rubs his eyes.

"Good morning." He replies and kisses the side of my head. His finger traces small circles across my abdomen.

We stay silent in each other's embrace for a few more euphoric moments.

"We start college in like days." I say softly and he drags his finger up and down.

"We need to get ready for it huh?"

"Yeah...we do." I sigh.

"We're growing up baby...we're not kids anymore." He says stopping, grabbing my hip, and making me face him.

"You know I love you right?" He says suddenly and I nod.

"Yeah, and you know I love you."

"You are not like the others." He says more to himself than me.

"Definitely not a murderer." I smile.

"Or a cheater...right?"

"Jackson...I could never do that to you, you are all I want and need." I say and he grins showing his infectious smile.

"You make me sound amazing."

"Well, you are," I say now reaching to touch his necklace.

"-you are."

" Even with all the attitude?" I smirk.

" Ehhh."


"-I'm kidding." He laughs. 

We eventually get up and dedicate that entire day to preparing for our new (Y/U/C)


Soulmates ? A Jackson Passaglia Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now