10 <3

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"You've gone mental haven't you?"

" You're not even going to hear me out ?!" I say impatiently.

"I already saw enough...I don't need to hear it." He snaps.

"Fine!" I say with tears in my eyes walking away.

I chose to walk home that day. I was trying to understand his pain. I was trying to put myself in his shoes. I came to the conclusion that I would have reacted the same way. I would not want to see him ever again...part of me wants to leave him alone, but only a small part. A huge part of me wants to explain and make him listen. I know I should just leave it alone, but I can't. I can't let him think that I betrayed his trust even though we aren't together. I can't halp but feel drawn towards him. He needs to know.


I walk inside the house and Annabelle looks up at me.

"I didn't forgettt !"She says in a sing-song sort of tone.

"Oh yeah." I mutter feeling another weight planted on my shoulders.

" So you know how Dad saved his friend in the war ?" I say in a soft tone and sit next to her.

"Yeah..." She says tilting her head a bit.

"Well his friend that he saved was... Jackson's dad." I explain and her eyes widen with shock.

"WAIT WHAT?!" She yells angrily.

"I was angry too...but I'm grateful that Jackson didn't have to go through the pain I went through." I sigh.

"Aren't you mad ?" She questions.

"Not anymore..."

"You've gone mental haven't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

" Before Jackson...in fact if it was any other boy you would have killed him. You would have yelled and teared him into pieces. What is different about Jackson?" She rambles and paces across the room.

"I don't know Annabelle...I just-"

" Do you love him?" She asks stopping to look at me fully.

"Are you kidding no!" I laugh in disbelief.

" You do!" She protests.

"How can I possibly love someone who I met just two months ago?" I frown.

" Love at first sight ? You guys could be soulmates!" She smiles and I roll my eyes.

"That's a load of ru-"

"OF LOVE Y/N!!!" She bites her lip smiling.

" I LIKE HIM BUT THAT'S IT!" I groan and look away.

" Whatever, and I won't tell either." She sighs.

"Really?" I question.

"Yeah...you guys are meant to be. I have a feeling." She smiles.


I walk into my room and finish up homework. I keep glancing up at the window where a boy with messy hair and grey eyes would be standing making sarcastic remarks. I look over to my note book and decide to write more.
Dear Dad,

I found him...I found the guy you risked your life for. I was angry and jealous at first, but I'm just grateful that Jackson doesn't have to go through that. He doesn't have to feel that pain. I don't know, but I like him a lot. I care about him and I know he cares about me. Arlo... you remember Arlo right? Well guess what he's taller than you now. Point is he kissed me. He told me that he loved me and I said it back, but only as a friend. I told him that I love. I mean like Jackson and he understood. The thing is Jackson saw that, and his expression. I felt like I broke him. I wish he would just understand that I like him and I would never purposely hurt him. That he could trust me and that I would stay there with him by his side. I probably can think of your reaction. "I have never heard you talk about a boy like this before." With a huge smirk on your face. The way you would make fun of me. I can imagine you meeting him. I think you would like him a lot Dad. I love you so much...

Lots of love,

Your butterfly <3

I wrote the ending and felt my eyelids get heavy. I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep with the notebook on my chest.



" Liam don't do this !" A guy yelled. Looking at my Dad with tears in his eyes.

" You have a son, and he needs you." My Dad says looking at the door where someone is trying to break it down.

"You have daughters! Please... I don't want you to die." The guys says sobbing and my Dad smiled weakly.

Please Dad come home please just come home.

"I love you...but you need to go only one of us can escape. Take this." My Dad said hugging the guy. He dropped the locket we gave him in his hand.

He must be Jackson's Dad.


"No I'm not leaving you." He cries and the door gets knocked down. My Dad covers him and bullets hit him in the chest.

I try to run over and grab him but I can't I fall to my knees and sob uncontrollably

I see him fall to the floor and Jackson's Dad shoots the other guys. After they're dead he falls to the floor sobbing holding my Dad in his arms.

"Oh Liam..." He says with tears streaming down his face.


"Y/n wake up it's okay it's me." I hear Jackson's voice and I open my eyes. I jump up hugging him tightly with warm tears across my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" He says hugging me tightly.

"Wait why are you here?" I pull away still lingering in his arms.

" I can hear you from my room..." He whispers looking down at me.

"I'm sorry..I just had a nightmare." I say thinking about it my Dad covering him.

"What was it.." He asks lowly.

"My Dad...dying." I whimper covering my mouth to stifle the sobs.

" Oh y/n. I'm so sorry...is there anything I can do?" He frowns.

" Jackson..it's okay. I just want you to listen for a second." I say and he nods with all his attention on me.

" Arlo...kissed me. I pulled away and told him I loved him as a friend and he understood. He took the blame for the fight because...he knows that I like you." I whisper and he looks at me with an unsure expression.

" You..like me? " He says slowly.

" Of course I do Jackson isn't it obvious." I smile sitting up.

" Well you co-"

" No shut up." I hiss and he smiles looking down.

"Look at me." I say cupping his cheeks with both hands and his silver eyes shine in the dark room.

" I like you...not as a friend either more than that and I mean it." I murmur looking at his eyes making sure he understands. I feel nervous because I realize he might not feel the same...but why would he be here in my bed at 3 am to make sure I'm okay.

"I'm sor-" I stutter but he puts his finger on my lips.

"Shhhh." He says and I look at him with a confused expression.

"The girl I like just confessed she has feelings for me." He smiles taking his finger off of my lips.

"Shut up." I grin wrapping my arms around his neck. He presses his forehead against mine and the familiar feeling of butterflies comeback.

"Make me." He murmurs and I smile pressing my lips against his. He kisses me back slowly and softly taking in every moment.

"You drive me insane you know that right?" He say in between kisses.

"Mhm." I respond.

" Even when I'm angry at you I just can't stay away..." He whispers and I pull away.

"Then don't...stay with me." I say laying back under my covers and he smiles lying down next to me.I face him and he wraps his arms around me bringing me closer.

"Ugh..Y/n the things you make me do." He mumbles.


Soulmates ? A Jackson Passaglia Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now