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"Who said I wasn't serious?"

A slew of emotions pour into me, as I look at the man in front of me, who I would like to one-day call my father-in-law. He looks happier, which is an emotion I'm trying to cling on too. That I crave desperately, but as seconds pass something different surfaces and I don't stop it. This is all too much to handle, even for me. And that's coming from a girl who's gotten through a car accident, lost their memory and almost died from Jackson's crazy ex.

"Mr. Passaglia..." I strain, trying to gather all my patience. "Are you trying to say that...my Dad and you are together?" I ask, and a small smile appears on his face, instantly answering my question. "Which is great..." I trail off. Even though that's touching that he and my Dad are an item. It doesn't dismiss the fact that five minutes ago I thought he was buried six feet under the ground.

"But..?" He frowns, causing anger to stir in my chest fervently. Tears well up in my eyes as I bite the side of my cheek. The metallic taste meets my tongue. Moments pass, and not one person is talking, I don't think they dare to speak. His word lingers in the air, as he waits for my response. My anger rises more and more until a bomb inside me explodes, the exact bomb I never wanted to set off.

"But...he's been alive all this time? ALL THIS TIME?!" I yell, unable to hold my tears anymore. They run down my face, fast and hot, like all those years of grieving for him. I wipe them away refusing him to have any more of my tears. Jackson tenses beside me, but I could care less who hears or what anyone thinks. The rage I feel could engulf this entire earth if I had the power. I dig into my bag, snatching the leather notebook of all the letters I've written to my Dad. The heartbreaks, the I'm sorry's, the I miss you's and my deepest secrets only my Dad could understand."That makes him a Bad FATHER! A COWARD!" I choke out, my mouth twisted in pain. "Screw him." I jerk my hand throwing the notebook out of my hands and into the dirt.

"Y/n he had his-"

"I don't care what he had!" I snap scornfully. He flinches as if my words physically burned him. "You know what he doesn't have?!" I inquire, feeling laughter erupt in me. "He doesn't have a family anymore." I snark in a tone of hysteria, leaning forward with a tight-lipped smile. I tug the locket on my throat. The one that has given me peace, and closeness towards him, but I want nothing more than the utter opposite. I break the chain around my neck and throw it against the pavement.

"Y/n no-"

The shattering sound cuts through him like a double edge sword. That I feel is the perfect symbol for the relationship I have with the person I once called Dad.

"Y/n..." Jackson says softly, reaching out to touch me but I jerk away. The distance that has been created from this single moment is enough for me to sever all my relationships. The growing rage in me doesn't stop. I don't think it ever will...and for the first time I embrace it like a warm hug, I allow it to consume me...I'm no longer Daddy's little girl.

"He's dead to me." My voice shakes in anger, as my words declare finality.

"Mom...would have been here by now...and Y/n's. She isn't at work." Jackson says and another wave of anger hits me

"WHERE IS MY MOM!" I scream and he looks away. "Somewhere safe...you know your mom Jackson was accepting, but Y/n yours-"

"WHAT DID YOU EXPECT!" I say, realizing my hands gripping his collar. Hands wrap around my waist, and I let go pushing him away. "Tell me where my mom is or I swear I will-"

"I'm not saying anymore." He says stubbornly and I run my hands through my hair.

"Oh..?" I laugh. "You will regret EVER saying those words to me." I threaten, and his face drains of color. "You better HOPE that I never see you again, cause If I do I will kill you." 

"Oh, you don't mean that." He answers, terror in his voice.

"I guess you'll have to find out." I smile.

"Enough." Jackson snaps, cutting through my trance. I shake my head and look back at him. He frowns, but he isn't looking at me, but his father.

"Don't contact us ever again." He says in a tone of indifference, he turns on his heel and I follow him. We slide into our seats and close the door. It's silent until he turns on the car, the AC diffusing the tension.

"Y/n. I love you...more than anything." He says and his words and his words only soften my heart.

"Then why aren't you looking at me." I fold my arms against my chest staring at the side of his face. He laughs in disbelief before answering.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe cause YOU THREATENED TO KILL MY DAD!" He slams his hand against the top of the steering wheel before backing out of the driveway. I stay silent allowing him to have his moment since he let me have mine.

"Look I get it. You're angry. That is totally understandable due to our recent circumstances...buuut that doesn't give you a right to threaten my Dad."



I look out the window, because I know he's right.

"Look, my love, You forgot a very small detail." He says and I look back at him, with furrowed brows.

"Did you seriously forget." He sighs.


"We're cops...we can go find her ourselves."

"Oh," I say, completely dumbfounded that I missed that.

"Oh," He mocks causing me to laugh.

"You literally almost murdered my Dad." He says seriously.

"Sorry." I say and he bursts out laughing.

"Sorry?" He continues to laugh. "Yeah, it's okay I know you didn't mean it or anything." He rolls his eyes.

"Who said I wasn't serious?"



A/N: FINALLLLYYYYY RIGHTTT???  Feels good to be back I love you guys.

Soulmates ? A Jackson Passaglia Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now