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"Did you come to see me?"

Jackson Passaglia

After school finishes I walk over to Ms. Kingsley's Classroom.

"Good Afternoon Mr. Passaglia." Ms. Kingsley smiled as I walked in.

"Good Afternoon." I mutter and she points to a seat.

"Another boy is coming in a few moments." She says scribbling down notes in her green planner.

I lay back in the seat. A few moments later just like she said Arlo Torres walks in and I roll my eyes.

"Oh how lovely." Arlo comments sarcastically.

"Aww its lovely to see you too." I smile and he rolls his eyes.

"So now that I have both of you. I need you guys to clean all the boards and sort out all the work sheets in this class room." She says sweetly putting two big stacks in front of us.

"I will be back in a bit." She smiles grabbing her stuff off her chair and walking out the classroom.Leaving me and Arlo by ourselves.

We're silent and the only noise that you hear is the shuffle of papers and wiping of boards.

"Why aren't you with y/n?" Arlo asks.

"Why are you so obsessed with us?" I snap.

"Ha! There isn't an us anymore is there?" He retorts.

"Arlo no offense but there was never an us. I don't like you like that-"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about." He snaps and I turn around looking at him.

" I knew you guys wouldn't last." He says and I feel anger rise in me.

"You have no idea what you're talking about." I bark.


"I don't even know why you're talking when you had three years to ask her out and she still chose me." I laugh and he has a scowl on his face.

"Sorry did I hit a nerve?" I smirk.

"In all seriousness Passaglia. I love that girl." He says and I restrain myself from all the things I want to do as soon as those words leave his mouth.

"Too bad she isn't yours." I shrug.

"I don't think you get it. She isn't yours either." He sneers.

"I know Torres can you just let me have a little fun." I sigh.

"You need to leave her alone or she'll hate you forever."

"How do I know your telling the truth?" I ask suspiciously.

"Didn't I stay out of your guys way? I want her to be happy."

"So do I."

"Well you need to just leave her alone alright?"

"I will...I know she already hates me I don't want her to hate me anymore than she does now."

"Okay good." He says and I nod.

We finish up our work and say goodbye before we head out.


I sit at the couch with my mom and her face is unreadable.

"Mom?" I question and her eyes lock with mine.

"So you're telling me the man who my husband died for is our neighbor." She says in a shaky tone and I'm not sure if she's angry or wants to cry.

"Yes." I say slowly.

"I have so many questions and I feel so many emotions." She mutters as she runs her hands through her hair.

"I did too." I assure her as I rub her back with my hand.

"Can I speak with him?" She whispers looking up at me.

"Yeah." I smile.

"Let's go now." She quickly says as she gets up.


But my mom needs this...he won't be there.My mom doesn't need me there anyways.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET READY!" She shouts and I shoot up.

I run up stairs and change washing away any signs that I was sad. I look in the mirror and take a deep breath before I go down stairs.

We walk over to there house and the closer I get the stronger the urge to run becomes present.

I shakily knock on the door and Mr. Passaglia opens the door.

"Hello- I- Mrs. Allen?" He says as his eyes widen.

"Hello...I was wondering. I mean if you don't mind. Can we talk?" She asks and he nods frantically.

"Yes yes of course come in." He smiles opening his door wider.

"-And hello y/n." He beams at me bringing me into a side hug.

"Oh hi Mr.Passaglia." I smile weakly.

"Can I use your restroom?" My mom asks and he nods. She goes over there quickly and I shift my weight awkwardly from side to side.

"Well you can go upstairs-"

"Oh it's oka-"

"I really need to talk to your mom alone for a bit may you please go upstairs." He pleads and I nod obediently.

I walk upstairs feeling nauseous. I slowly turn the corner and see Jackson's room. I lean against the walk for a second and take a deep breath.

I could just stay in the bathroom the entire time.

I seriously consider it for a moment until a door opens and my eyes meet with Jackson's grey ones.


"Hi..um your dad said to come up and I um sorry." I stammer feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

"Did you come to see me?" He asks and I see his eyes flash with hope?

No that can't be.

"No..my mom wanted to talk to your Dad and she brought me along." I say quickly.

"Oh well you can still come in you know?" He says opening his door and I nod.

I walk into his room reluctantly and he sits on his bed.

All the memories start to pile in of us and my eyes sting.

not now not now not now

"Can you please sit down." He says as he pats the bed next to him and I oblige.

He lays down and starts to scroll through his phone. I do the same but sit up. I look up and catch him staring a couple of times and I feel sadness grow inside.

I miss you so much.

I frown slightly.

My phone buzzes and I get a message from Avianna.

Jackson Passaglia

I told Arlo I would stay away, but she us right here in my room. on my bed. She glances up at me and all I want to do is to hold her close but I can't.

I can't.

I look up and close my eyes.

She isn't mine and I am not hers.

A/N: I'm literally writing instead of spanish and he needs us to answer questions LOL. ILY GUYS.

Soulmates ? A Jackson Passaglia Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now