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"Oh here comes another one."

" Yeah I was just talking to Avianna." I lie stalling until Jackson's gets out the window and down the tree.

"Oh okay well your sister and I are going to get breakfast, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us." She says and I hide away the breakfast Jackson brought and opened the door.

"Oh I'm okay I need to get to school, but I'll see you after school." I smile out of breath.

"Okay honey.." My mom smiles and raises her brow looking into my room.

"Are you okay?" She says suspiciously.

" Yeah..yeah I'm okay." I smile and she nods and goes to her room. After she left I put my food in my bag carefully.

I walk down stairs out to the kitchen where my sister smiles mischievously at me.

"Good morning ?" I say and laugh a bit from her smile.

"Oh good morning."She says in a honeyed voice.

" What's up with you?" I say laughing.

" 'I don't want to be alone...stay?' " She says in a fake hurt tone and my insides burn remembering last nights events.

" You have no idea what your talking about, and if I were you I would shut up." I hiss and her smile widens.

"Mom would love to hear all about it wouldn't she?"

" It's too much to explain right now I'll tell you when I get home. Just please you'll regret saying anything." I frown.

"Fine, but if it isn't a good exc-"

" Trust me that won't matter...I love you." I wave and open the door.

"I love you too." She say slowly and I nod closing the door.

I see Jackson leaning on his car with a smile on his face.

"Well you look happy." I say mirroring his expression.

" Oh it's nothing, I just had a great time last night with this girl."

"Oh..she sounds amazing." I smirk.

"She's kind of annoying, but you know I can manage." He shrugs and I hit his shoulder.

"Thanks a lot." I smile turning away towards my car.

" Hey Allen where do you think you're going?" He shouts.

" My car." I say shaking my keys for him to see.

"No...my car." He says pointing at his car and I smile walking back over.

"Woah Jackson keep this up and I might think that you're in love with me." I smirk.

"Oh shut up." He mutters opening the door for me. I look around and lean back into the seat.His car isn't messy and it smells like him.

He gets in and sticks the key into the hole turning the car on. I watch as his hands turn the wheel and moves the gear into reverse.

"You stare at my hands a lot." He chuckles and I turn towards the window with my cheeks burning.

"I mean I don't mind." He continues to say and I put my hand over my mouth to keep me from saying anything.

"Hey look at me." He says putting his hand on my thigh and I look down at his hand and up at him feeling butterflies everywhere.

"Yes?" I manage to say and he smiles amused.

"Are you good?" He says in playful tone.

" Yeah I'm good." I say and he pulls into the parking lot of our school.

"Okay well we should go." He softly says facing me and moving his hand from my leg to put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah..we should." I say inhaling a deep breath and looking into his eyes.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed." He chuckles stroking my cheek softly with his thumb.

"I'm not embarrassed." I say looking down not meeting his eyes. His two finger drag down my jawline and stop at my chin lifting my head so I can see his grey eyes again. His eyes look at my lips and back at me.

"Uh huh." He says pulling away and I frown.


We get out of the car and start walking towards the front doors.

"Hey your little friend looks surprised to see you." Jackson chuckles and I look over to Avianna whose eyes are wide.

"I think she's more surprised to see you-"

"HEY WHY DID YOU GET MAD AT HER? IT WASN'T HER FAULT THAT YOU DIDN'T HAVE THE GUTS TO ASK HER EARLIER." She shouts causing several heads to turn towards us.

"AVI SHHH." I say covering her mouth with my hand and people go back to what they're doing.

"As you can see Avi, y/n is smiling." He says in a matter-of-fact tone and she mocks him.

"Avi it's okay we're good." I say hugging her.

" Really..so fast?" She questions.

"It has sort of been a-"

"Long night." Jackson smirks.

" Wipe that smirk off your face." Arlo snaps coming out of nowhere.

" What do you mean 'Long night ' ?" Arlo says in an angry tone.

" I don't think that's any of your business Torres." Jackson retorts, his smirk widening.

"Back up Arlo nothing much happened last night." I say in a serious tone putting my hand on Arlo's chest pushing him away from Jackson.

"Whatever..." Arlo mutters and rolls his eyes.

"Hey Allen." Chris says walking towards us and I sigh.

"Oh here comes another one." Jackson mutters.

"Oh hey Chris." I say feeling anxiety creep up my skin.

"Hey beautiful how are you?" Chris says and I hear both Arlo and Jackson scoff.

"I'm good...and you?" I say awkwardly.

" I'm better now that I see you." He smiles and I feel a pang of guilt.

"Ugh...get a room." Avi scowls and I look at her with 'get me out of here' eyes.

"Hey..Chris sorry, but I need to steal her away from you for a second." Avi says pulling me away from all the boys.

"It's not like she's not yours to steal." Jackson chuckles walking behind us and I mentally face palm.

"and she isn't yours ei-" Arlo says annoyed.

"Yet." Jackson says firmly and Avi looks at me with a huge grin.

Arlo puts his arm around my shoulders and I move away slightly.

"Get your hands off of her Torres." Jackson snaps.

"No." Arlo retorts back. I see Arlo get pulled back and shoved up against the locker.

"I said get YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER !" Jackson yells angrily and everyone crowds around them.

" Stop!" I yell trying to get through. I see Jackson's fist collide with Arlo's jaw and I grab his shirt to pull him off. Jackson doesn't look back and pushes me. I fall to the floor and everyone gasps.

"YOU JUST PUSHED Y/N YOU IDIOT!" Arlo screams and Jackson looks back with his eyes filled with regret and worry.

A/N: Alright someone requested me to put a scene where Y/n gets hurt by Jackson as he is fighting Arlo. LOLLLL SO HERE :). I hope you guys continue to like my writing :,)

Soulmates ? A Jackson Passaglia Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now