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"Why do you care?"

"Girl I am so done with today can we pleaseeee skip?" Avianna groaned as she sunk in her seat.

"It's first period." I laugh and she rolls her eyes.

"Okay and?" she says laughing with me.

Avianna is like family...we have been friends for around 5 years now and I would do anything for her. She is so pretty with her green eyes, dark silky black hair and chocolate skin tone.

"Okay students! welcome back from winter break! I hope you guys got lots of presents and plenty of rest!" Ms. King squeals and I cringe at the sound.

"Pull out your chemistry books and turn to page 117." She smiles. We turned to that page and I sighed. 

Everyday is the same ...nothing ever exciting happens- 

I get cut off by the door opening and I look up.

"You must be Jackson Passaglia!" Ms. King grinned. He nodded and gave a half smile. He had a black flannel, a white shirt underneath and blue jeans. He ran his hand through his hair and we locked eyes. I smiled and he looked away facing his attention to the teacher. She pointed to a seat in the back and he sat down putting his bag on the side.

"He's cute.." Avianna smirked and I shrugged looking down at my note book . I looked back at him and he gave me the look tilting his head. I looked away and I felt butterflies forming.

"y/n are you okay? I haven't seen you like this since the 9th grade." She said gave me a taunting smile.

"Ugh Don't remind me!" I swatted at her and we continued class. Chem finally ended and we were walking to our next class.

"Hey Ladies...I know you missed me." Arlo smirked.

"Arlo! Gosh you came out of nowhere" Avianna yelled and he rolled his eyes.

"Well I missed you Arlo!" I smiled and I gave him a hug. Arlo has been my best friend since high school started. We were seniors now and he has been there through thick and thin. He was stable enough when I would breakdown about my Dad dyingin the war. Arlo is tall, has blue eyes, and a caramel skin tone.

"I missed you too y/n! At least some one appreciates me." Arlo said sarcastically wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh shut up Torres." she snapped.

"I see you didn't change over winter break." He scoffs.

"Both of you SHUT UP." I snap and they stay quiet for a couple seconds before laughing again.

"No you shut up! Don't make me bring up Chem boy." Avianna grins poking at my side.

"Chem boy? " Arlo questions looking down at me.

"It isn't a crush... I swear." I say feeling my face heat up.

"Who said anything about a crush." Arlo says pushing me slightly.

"Look my class is right here!" I grin trying to get out of this situation.

"Bye y/n!" Avianna smirks.

" Bye Allen." Arlo smiles giving me a hug.

"Bye you guys." I roll my eyes.

 I walk in taking a seat.I start to look for things in my bag and I hear someone take a seat next to me. I put all my stuff on my desk and get organized.

"Hey, Do you have a pencil?" I hear a voice ask and I look up realizing it's Jackson.My heart sinks and look down back at my bag grabbing a pencil .

"Y- yeah." I hand him a pencil and his hand brushes against mine.

"Thanks..what's your name?" he says squinting his eyes a bit.

"No problem and it's y/n Allen."

"Allen?" He says tilting his head to the left.

"Yeah.." I say furrowing my brows.

"I'm sorry it's just it reminded me of something."

"Oh well your Jackson right."

"Yours truly... I see you pay attention." He smirks.

"What do you mean by that."

"Ms. King said my name once...y/n"

"Oh yeah..I um have good memory." I say scratching the back of my neck

He puts out his hand and I put mines in his shaking it. I can tell my cheeks are probably pink by the way my face is heating up right now. I pull away my hand and look forward to pay attention to class. I feel his gaze on me and I run my hand through my hair to ignore it.


"Bye y/n..Oh wait do you know where Mr. Ramirez is?" He asks looking at his paper.

"I can walk you there if you want?" I say without thinking.

"Really?" He smiles surprised.

"Yeah why not?" I shrug. We walk out together and I start telling him where the class is. As I am explaining I lock eyes with Arlo and he has a huge smirk. I see him getting closer and I want to disappear.


"Hey baby..." I hear Arlo's voice and I cringe at his words.

"Go away Arlo " I say and Jackson stands awkwardly.

"No, who's this?" He says eyeing Jackson up and down and I roll my eyes.

"This is Jackson, Jackson meet Arlo my FRIEND " I say and Jackson relaxes his shoulders.

"It was totally worth your reaction." Arlo laughs ruffling my hair.

"Nice meeting you..." Jackson says politely and they shake hands.

"Likewise." Arlo mumbles and I walk off with Jackson.

"I'm sorry I know that was awkward." I say giving a apologetic smile.

"No worries." He says and we turn the corner almost to his class.

" He likes you though." He says casually.

"No we're best friends." I say laughing.

" I might not know you guys well but I know guys." He shrugs.

"Why do you care?" I stop and he leans against the wall his eyes looking at me from head to toe.

"I don't...See you around y/n." He says letting the last word linger.

"But-" I start to say but he cuts in.

" See you around." He waves his hand in the air without turning back.

A/N :  I hope you guys like this new book!

Let me know your thoughts!

Soulmates ? A Jackson Passaglia Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now