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"You copycat!"

My eyes flutter open and I see the warm orange sunrise peek through my curtains. Jackson lays beside me with his arms still wrapped around me protectively. I reach up and swirl my fingers through his hair and he stirs slightly. I smile and plant small kisses along his jawline.

"Good morning love." He says in his raspy morning voice.

"Good morning." I whisper and he nuzzles his face between my shoulder and neck causing butterflies to swarm in my stomach.

"What time is it?" He mumbles.

"It's 6 am." I murmur rubbing the back of his head with my hand.

"Wait really?" He says lifting up his head to meet my eyes.

"Yes really...hence why my alarm clock hasn't sounded yet." I smile and he rolls his eyes.

"So...do you want to stay like this for a little longer and we can go get breakfast.

"Mhm." I mumble and he places his head in his previous spot, and kisses it a couple times causing me to giggle.

"You need to bring things over here." I murmur.

"Why?" He says and I can feel him smile against my neck.

"You know why."

"No...I really don't." He chuckles.

"I want to wake up like this with you...most of the time if not everyday."

"Can you come over my place...only sometimes. My parents are getting suspicious."

"Yeah..I can." I smile and he looks up at me again giving me a small kiss before getting up taking the covers off of us.

"Okay..I'll see you outside. Ima go shower...let's go at  like what seven o'clock ?" He questions and I nod. He kisses my cheek before he opens my window and disappears.

I smile brightly and walk into my bathroom to take a shower. I get out and comb out my hair putting it up with a clip. I look in the mirror and take out two stands of hair to frame my face.(I would usually let you choose but trust there is a purpose for this lol)I put on a white top with a beige colored jacket and black pants and shoes. I walk out to my room and make my bed. I grab my bag and walk down stairs.

"You look cute today." My mom smiles with tired eyes.

"So I don't look cute everyday?" I fake frown and she rolls her eyes hugging me.

"Oh so I just don't exist." My sister says loudly and I walk over to her ruffling her hair.

"Your adorable everyday."I smile.

"What's gotten into her ?" She mutters looking at me suspiciously.

"You act like I'm the worst sister ever." I scoff.

"I'm going to go with Jackson to get breakfast." I say opening the door and earn two confused faces from my family.

"Hmm so you guys are okay?" My mom says raising a brow.

"Oh they're more then okay."My sister mumbles while putting a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

"Wait what do you mean?"

"It's nothing big. We can talk about it later." I say and she nods. I walk outside and look down at my bracelet to fix it.

"No way!" Jackson shouts.

What Jackson is wearing 👇🏼

What Jackson is wearing 👇🏼

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Soulmates ? A Jackson Passaglia Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now