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"You're bleeding."

Jackson Passaglia

"Well, then your loss." I shrug walking away and I hear small footsteps behind me.

"Why are you acting like this?" She groans.

" Whatever do you mean?" I ask innocently and she gives me a dirty look.

"You know exactly what you're doing."

"What exactly am I doing." I taunt.

"You're basically forcing me to come over here with you." She says in a frustrated tone.

"I'm not y/n. Do I have my hands on you right now? " I ask and her eyes go wide. " I don't, and I'm not begging you either. This is one hundred percent your choice." I assure her.

"You're right." She nods and I look at her surprised.

" Don't look at me like that! I don't always have to be right." She laughs.

"Are you sure this is the same y/n we all know and love." I walk over and put my hand on her forehead testing to see if she's sick.

"Oh shut up." She smiles up at me and my heart leaps. I look down at her (y/e/c) eyes and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Where's your snarky comeback?" She giggles and I roll my eyes.

"Well, I guess I'm just listening more," I murmur and it's her turn to react.

"Are you feeling well Jackson?" She says in a false worried voice, putting her hand to my cheek bringing me lower.

"I'm feeling way better now." I breathe feeling the familiar feeling of butterflies.

" Oh, what made it better?" She smirks and I lean in closer tilting my head.

"You," I whisper. She looks straight into my eyes and I allow myself to fall deep into them.

I've never felt this way about anyone before.

Her hand caresses my jaw and I lean into her touch.

She inches closer and I lean in softly, barely brushing my lips against hers.

" I WILL SEND YOU TWO TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE! YOU SHOULD BE IN CLASS!" a teacher shouts and we both jump out of each other's embrace.

"Come on," I say briskly and she gets into my car.

I turn on the car and zoom off the parking lot feeling adrenaline kick in.

Once the school is out of sight we burst into laughter.

"He doesn't have us as students and we were far. He couldn't have seen who we were." Y/n says and I glance at her.

"Yeah..he couldn't have." I nod.


I look at him and I feel myself smile.

"Where are we going?" I ask and he looks at me quickly.

"You'll see in a second actually." He smiles and I feel the anticipation in the pit of my stomach.

We continue to drive for a little while and I see him glance at me again. I smile but it soon fades away when I spot a car charging towards us.

"Oh Jackson." I gasp and it crashes into us flipping us over.

I feel pieces of glass tear into my skin and I groan in pain.

"Jackson...Jackson." I panic looking over at him and the only thing keeping him up is the seatbelt.

"Agh."I whimper and I look down at the shards of glass and metal.

Don't take it out.

I look back at him and try to stretch out my arm. I can barely reach him and I cry as the stabbing pain intensifies.

"Jackson...Jackson, please wake up please do something...open your eyes." I sob as tears run down my face. 

His eyes gently open.

"Y/n?" He asks in a hoarse voice.

"Jackson.." I sob even harder. 

"Are you okay?" He asks panic laced in his voice.

"The worst I feel is the um." I wince trying not to move. "Is the pieces of metal and glass at my side. He looks at me and his eyes widen with fear.

"Your bleeding." He chokes out and I look down at my wound. Blood slowly drenching my shirt.

"Oh...it's okay someone should come soon," I say as my voice shakes. 

"Y/n...I don't hear any sirens." He grunts shutting his eyes.

"They'll come in time Jackson don't worry." I try to assure him and I see blood trickle down his lip and nose.

"I think I broke my arm." He groans.

I slowly start to feel lightheaded.

"Y/n...Y/N!" I hear him yell and I open my eyes.

"I'm awake," I respond weakly.

"Y/n...your bleeding too much you're soaked in blood."

"It's okay." I breathe

"No, it isn't y/n." He breathes heavily. I close my eyes again and I hear him unbuckle.

"Jackson what are you doing," I ask feeling fear flood through my veins.

"Helping you." He groans and as he hits the floor he yelps.

"You..you need to apply pressure." He says as he inches closer.

"Jackson stop! You're going to hurt yourself even more!" I sob.

"I have no choice y/n! I'm not losing you." He argues as he cuts a thick piece of his shirt applying pressure to my wound.

"Please...Jackson, I can't lo.. lose you either." I weep and I see tears in his eyes.

"You won't y/n I promise I'm not going to leave you. I love you." He cries and my vision blur with tears.

"I love you too Jackson...so much," I say barely able to speak. " You-mean-so-much-to-me!" I say in between sobs.

"I know y/n. I love you too, and there's nothing anybody or anyone can say or do that will change that. Okay?" He says weakly.

"Okay," I whisper and smile weakly

An ambulance sounds in the distance and a spark of hope flashes in his eyes.

"We're saved." We breathe simultaneously.

The paramedics rush towards us.

"We'll get you out of here don't worry." The paramedic said as she opened the car door with a metal instrument.

She helped Jackson slide out and get up carefully.

"Get two gurneys now!" She calls as she leans down.

"I will get you now.." She says softly as she looks at all of the blood on the floor. She unbuckled my belt and I scream in pain.

"I got you." She assures me and the shard tear more of my skin shooting waves of unbearable pain through me. 

"I can't..please stop." I cry hysterically.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Jackson yells furiously.

That's the last thing I hear before everything goes black and I fall into darkness.

A/N: That's the first time I ever wrote a scene like that. How'd I do???

Soulmates ? A Jackson Passaglia Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now