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-March 30th 2002-

We are all in the waiting room lounging around and Phoebe looks up at the clock.

Phoebe:Oh wow three hours and still no baby.Ugh the miracle of birth sure is a snooze fest.

Monica:Hey you wanna see something?.



Monica:Um this is going to be fun.Watch me freak out Zak."To Zak".Honey?.


Monica:Listen uh I-I've been doing some thinking and I don't know whether it's because we're here or Rachel's giving birth but um I think we should try to have a baby.


Monica:"Freaking out".W-w-what's that now?!.

Zakery:Okay.I've been thinking about it too and I-I think we're ready.

Monica:What?!.Are you kidding me?!. You,you,you think we're ready to have a baby now?!.

Chandler:Oh this is fun.


Joey:You're ready to have a baby?.My boy's all grown up.

Zakery:But you said you were ready too.

Monica:Yeah but I was just screwing with you to try to get your voice all high and weird like mine is now!.

Zakery:Yes but haven't you wanted a kid like forever?.

Monica:Okay just back off mister!.Whoa...Cause I am ready to have a baby.I just want Joey to be the father.

Joey:"Voice high".What?!.Are you crazy?!.

Monica:That's it!.Right there!.Is all I wanted!.

Me,Chandler and Phoebe laugh quietly and Monica and Joey glare at us.

*Time Lapse*

Later on in the waiting room Ross is explaining what happened with his mother.

Ross:She came and dragged me out of the labor room to ask me why I'm not with Rachel.

Phoebe:Yeah...Why aren't you with Rachel?.

Ross:Are you kidding?.Look we're not gonna be together just because we're having a baby.Okay?.

Phoebe:But y'know what?.It just seems that you two belong together.

Ross:Okay stop it.I can't deal with this right now.I have to go have a baby.

Phoebe:Right.And with who again?.


Joey:God.He's crazy.Why doesn't he want to be with Rachel?.

Phoebe:I know.

Joey:I mean seriously she's like the perfect woman.I mean I know she turned me down but if she hadn't and wanted to be with me I would take her in my arms and."Realizes everyone staring".I haven't bummed you guys out like this in a while have I?.

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