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-March 4th 1999-

   At Central Perk everyone is hanging out  as Rachel enters happily.

Rachel:Good you guys are all here!.

Ross:Hey!.What's up?.

Rachel:Well I have a job interview at Ralph Lauren tomorrow!.

All:Congratulations!.Oh that's great!.

Rachel:I know!.

Joey:Boy that guy's underwear sucks!.


Joey:I got this pair marked excess I gotta tell ya there was no room for excess anything in there.

Rachel:Anyway I'm going to be the coordinator of the woman's collection I'll work right under the director it's the perfect,perfect job for me.

Phoebe:Wow!.Well if you nail the interview you'll get it!.


Phoebe:You wanna work on your interview skills?.


Phoebe:Okay!.All right let's start with the handshake.Hi.


They shake hands.

Phoebe:Very good handshake,good wrist action.

Monica:Let me try.

Monica gets up to join them.


   They shake hands and she pulls away suddenly.

Phoebe:Oh my God!.What did I ever do to you?!."Rubbing her hand".

Monica:Did I squeeze it too hard?.

Phoebe:Let's just say I'm glad I'm not Dakery.


   The next day at Monica and Rachel's Me,Chandler,Dakery and Joey are hanging out as Rachel returns from her interview and Monica is in the bathroom.

Dakery:Oh hey how'd the interview go?.

Rachel:Ugh horrible!.I did the stupidest most embarrassing thing.

Joey:Did you tell the guy you wanted to have sex with his wife and then fall right out of your chair?.


Elizabeth:So what happened?.

Rachel:Ugh it was horrible!.And,and the interview part went so well y'know?.I even made him laugh.He said something about a boat and I was like Well yeah If you've got enough life jackets!."Laughs".Trust me it was actually it was very funny.Anyway so we were saying goodbye and ugh!.

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