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-April 10th 1997-

   At Monica and Rachel's Me,Chandler, Monica,Phoebe and Joey are hanging out.

Chandler:Wait a minute wait.You’re telling me this actress person is the only woman you ever wanted who didn’t want you back?!.

Joey:Yeah.Oh my God."To Chandler".Is this what it’s like to be you?.

   I hold a laugh at Joey's comment towards Chandler.

Elizabeth:Wow you’re really crazy about her huh?.

Joey:Oh you have no idea.And,and when we’re on stage I get to,to kiss her and,and touch her but then she goes home with the director and it’s like somebody’s ripping out my heart!.

Phoebe:Oh it’s so great to see you feeling like this!.



Ross:Monica uh Dad called this morning and ah Aunt Silvia passed away.


Ross:We were all pretty shaken up about it.

Phoebe:Wait am I missing something though?.Cause I thought death was something that’s supposed to be sad in a way.

Ross:Well ah Aunt Silvia was well not a nice person.

Monica:Oh she was a cruel,cranky,old bitch!."To Ross".And I’m sorry she died.Did Dad say I get the dollhouse?.

Ross:You get the dollhouse.

Monica:I get the dollhouse!.

Phoebe:Wow a house for dolls that is so cool!.When I was kid I had a barrel.

Joey:Uh Pheebs you had a barrel for a dollhouse?.

Phoebe:No just a barrel.

Monica:Y'know what you can play with my dollhouse.


Monica:Any time you want.Y'know when I was younger all I wanted to do was to play with this dollhouse but no It was to be looked at but never played with.

Chandler:My Grandmother used to say that exact same thing to me.

I give Chandler a pat on his shoulder.


   A few days later at Monica and Rachel's Ross and Monica are eating breakfast as I read a magazine in the couch as Joey enters very happily.

Joey:"To Ross".Hey.


Joey:"To Monica".Hey.

   Joey walks up behind Monica and gives her a big hug and a kiss on the neck.



   Joey walks over behind Ross and gives him a big hug.

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