-July 10th 1998-
At Monica and Rachel's Me,Chandler,Phoebe,Ross and Monica are eating breakfast as Joey enters wearing a tux.
Chandler:Oh no,no,no,no,no,no vomit tux!. No,no vomit tux!.
Joey:Don't worry I had it dry cleaned.
Monica:Vomit tux?.Who vomited on y'know what,what you up to Joe?.
Joey:Well I'm doing this telethon thing on TV and my agent got me a job as co-host.
Elizabeth:Oh that's great!.
Joey:A little uh good deed for PBS and a little TV exposure now that's the kind of math Joey likes to do!.
Phoebe:Ugh PBS!.
Monica:What's wrong with PBS?.
Phoebe:Ugh what's right with them?.
Elizabeth:Why don’t you like PBS Pheebs?.
Phoebe:Okay cause right after my mom killed herself I was just in this really bad place y'know personally.So I just thought that it'd make me feel better if I wrote to Sesame Street cause they were so nice when I was a little kid!.No one ever wrote back.
Chandler:Well y'know a lot of those Muppets don't have thumbs.
Phoebe:All I got was a lousy key chain.And by that time I was living in a box.I didn't have keys.
Joey:I'm sorry Pheebs I just y'know I just wanted to do a good deed.Like,like you did with the babies.
Phoebe:This isn't a good deed you just wanted to get on TV.This is totally selfish.
Joey:Whoa!,Whoa!,Whoa!.What about you, having those babies for your brother?.Talk about selfish!.
Phoebe:What,what are you talking about?!.
Joey:Well yeah it was a really nice thing and all but it made you feel really good right?.
Joey:It made you feel good so that makes it selfish.Look there's no unselfish good deeds sorry.
Phoebe:Yes there are!.There are totally good deeds that are selfless.
Joey:Well may I ask for one example?.
Phoebe:Yeah it's…Y'know there's no you may not!.
They are standing on either side of Me and Chandler as they discuss the point.And me and Chandler are disgusted with the whole argument.
Joey:That's because all people are selfish.
Phoebe:Are you calling me selfish?!.
Joey:Are you calling you people?.
Me and Chandler roll our eyes.
Joey:Yeah well sorry to burst that bubble Pheebs but selfless good deeds don't exist. Okay?.And you the deal on Santa Clause right?.

Elizabeth Monroe | Friends Fanfiction
FanfictionElizabeth Monroe (Audrey Landers) is a Singer,Actress and sometimes dancer for certain roles.She is an old friend and sister by heart of Phoebe Buffay's...Little does she know thru Phoebe she'll find family and Love.