-October 25th 1994-
We are all at the Theater and the play Joey is in has ended and everyone is applauding.As soon as the cast leaves me and my friends all groan and sit down.
Rachel:God.I feel violated.
Monica:Did anybody else feel they just wanted to peel the skin off their body to have something else to do?.
Chandler:"Staring at a woman across the room".Ross 10 o'clock.
Ross:Is it?.Feels like two.
Chandler:No 10 o'clock.
Chandler:"Sighs".There's a beautiful woman at eight,nine,ten o'clock.
Ross:Oh Hello.
Chandler:She's amazing!.She makes the women that I dream about look like short, fat,bald men.
Monica:Well go over to her.She's not with anyone.
Chandler:Oh yeah and what would my opening line be?.Excuse me.Blarrglarrghh.
Rachel:Oh c'mon.She's a person you can do it.
Chandler:Oh please could she be more out of my league?.Ross back me up here.
Ross:He could never get a woman like that in a million years.
Chandler:Thank you buddy.
Monica:There is another woman totally out of your league sitting next to you."Points at Elizabeth".
Monica:Oh don't give me that look.You were in the sexiest women alive magazine.
I glare at Monica but then look away.
Phoebe:Oh,oh but y'know you always see these really beautiful women with these really nothing guys you could be one of those guys.
Monica:You could do that.
Chandler:Oh God I can't believe I'm even considering this...I'm very,very aware of my tongue...
Chandler:Here goes.
Chandler walks over to the woman as Joey enters from behind a curtain.
Rachel:You're in a play.
Ross:I didn't know you could dance.
Monica:You had a beard.
Joey:Whadya think?.
Rachel:You're in a play.
Ross:I didn't know you could dance.
Monica:You had a beard.
Joey:C'mon you guys it wasn't that bad.It was better than that thing I did with the trolls at least you got to see my head.
Ross:Saw your head.Saw your head.
Chandler:"Running back".She said yes!,She said yes!."To Joey".Awful play man.Whoah.Her name's Aurora and she's Italian and she pronounces my name Chand-lrr.Chand-lrr...I think I like it better that way."To Joey".Oh listen the usher gave me this to give to you."Hands a card to him".
Rachel:What is it?.
Joey:The Estelle Leonard Talent Agency.Wow an agency left me its card. Maybe they wanna sign me.

Elizabeth Monroe | Friends Fanfiction
FanfictionElizabeth Monroe (Audrey Landers) is a Singer,Actress and sometimes dancer for certain roles.She is an old friend and sister by heart of Phoebe Buffay's...Little does she know thru Phoebe she'll find family and Love.