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-February 17th 2002-

   At Central Perk Phoebe is holding a book as She,Me,Rachel and Monica drink some tea as Zakery and Chandler are by us.

Phoebe:Okay so when you’re done with your tea I’ll look at your leaves and tell you your fortune.

Elizabeth:I didn’t know you read tea leaves.

Phoebe:Oh yeah I’ve done it for years.I actually stopped because I was so accurate. Y’know abd,and y’know one of the great joys of life is it’s,it’s wondrous unpredictability.Y’know?.And also tea tends to give me the trots.

Monica:Okay I’m done.Read mine.

Phoebe:Okay."Looks at leaves.".Oh I see a ladder."Checks book".Which can mean either a promotion or a violent death.

Monica:I-I’m the head chef.I-I can’t get promoted.

Phoebe:Uhm.Uhm who’s next?.

Rachel:Okay I’m done.Do mine.

Phoebe:Okay."Reads leaves".Um oh.Okay I see a circle.


Phoebe:Oh."Checking book".Which can either mean you’re having a baby or you’re gonna make a scientific discovery.

Rachel:Well I have been spending a lot of time in the lab.

Chandler:What does yours say Pheebs?.

Phoebe:Um…Wow all right."Checks book". Wow.Yay.Oh I’m gonna meet a guy.And really soon.And he’s gonna be the man of my dreams.Probably not the guy I had a dream about last night."Points at Zak".

Ross:"Enters".Hey.Has anyone seen my shirt?.It’s a button down like a,like a faded salmon?.

Elizabeth:You mean your pink shirt?.

Ross:Faded salmon color.

Elizabeth:No I-I haven’t seen your pink shirt.

Ross:Great,Great.Then I must’ve left it at Mona’s.I knew it.

Chandler:Well I’m sure you get another one at Ann Taylor’s.

   I chuckle at my husband's joke and he smiles at me.

Ross:That’s my favorite shirt.Okay?.I love that shirt.

Rachel:Well just ask Mona to give it back.

Ross:I don’t know.I mean I-I guess I could. It’s just that we didn’t really end things such good terms.And if I go over there I’d be ignoring the one thing she asked me to do when we broke up jump up my own ass and die."Walks away".

Phoebe:Oh wait a second you guys…for the last couple weeks I’ve been that guy everywhere I go.We take the same bus.We go to the same bookstore,the same dry cleaners maybe he’s the tea guy.

   The guy gets up to leave and smiles at Phoebe.

Zakery:Phoebe did you see that?!.He totally checked you out.He is so cute."Looking at his tea".Mine has a picture of The Village People what does that mean?.

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