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-January 4th 2001-

At Central Perk everyone except Rachel is hanging out as Joey gets up and starts putting on his coat.

Joey:All right I should get going big day at work.Y'know I'm in a coma?.Today they do this test on me and it turns out I'm not brain dead.


Joey:Ah,ah,ah Mr.Smartie Pants it's just not my character that's not brain dead.Hey so Pheebs we still on for tonight?.


Joey:I'll see you at 8.



Chandler:Oh what's at 8?.

Phoebe:Oh I have dinner plans with Joey. We get together about once a month to discuss the rest of you guys.

Zakery:Wow did not know that.

Ross:May I say how lovely you look today?.

Phoebe:Duly noted.


Phoebe gets up to get a refill and Me and Chandler follow her.

-January 11th 2001-

We are all including Rachel's assistant and Boyfriend Tag are on our building's roof to look for a comet.

Elizabeth:"Looking up".Ross when's this comet thing start?.

Ross:Well technically seven billion years ago...

We all groan.

All:Oh no!,Oh no!.

We all start to get up to leave.

Ross:Okay!,Okay!.Fine I'll stop.No teaching okay?.We'll just watch the pretty light streaking across the sky.Okay?.Who's official name is Bapstein King.


We all start to leave again.

Phoebe:"Looking up".There it is!.Oh look at that.Isn't Mother Nature amazing?.

Chandler:"Looking up".That's a plane!.

Phoebe:Well all right.1700 bags of peanuts flying that high that's pretty amazing too.

Tag:Hey I wonder if you can see my apartment from up here.

Rachel:No.No you can't.


Rachel:Oh I don't,I don't know.

Ross:Man look at all those stars!.Infinite space.It really,really makes you wonder doesn't it?.

Joey is looking through his binoculars at a nearby building.

Joey:Y'know what else makes you wonder?.

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