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-February 24th 2000-

   Me and Chandler are in our apartment and Chandler is helping me make cookies.

Elizabeth:So what wedding are we planning on?.

Chandler:Well what do you want?.

Elizabeth:I don't really mind.As long as it gets us to the same destination."Smiles".

Chandler:Yeah me either."Smiles".

   We begin to finish decorating the cookies we are making and I take a little bit of the green frosting and put it on Chandler's nose.

Chandler:Oh it is on!.

   Chandler chases me around the apartment with a tube of frosting and soon he catches up to me and grabs my waist with one arm using the other to put red frosting on my face and I laugh hysterically.

-March 9th 2000-

   At Monica and Zakery's Me,Chandler,Rachel and Joey are hanging out as Ross enters.

Ross:Hey!.I just got uh my teacher evaluations.Check out what this one student wrote."Reads".I loved Dr.Geller’s class. Mind blowing lectures.Dr.Geller you are definitely the hottie of the paleontology department.

Chandler:Ah Hotties of the Paleontology Department there’s a big selling calendar eh?.

Rachel:Who wrote it?.

Ross:Oh I wish I knew but the evaluations are all anonymous.

Joey:Oh hey do you still have their final exams?.


Joey:Oh cause you can just match the evaluation to the exam with the same handwriting and boom there’s your admirer.

Chandler:A hot girl’s at stake and all of the sudden he’s Rain Man.

Rachel:Okay wait a minute,wait a minute why are we so sure that this is a girl?.

Ross:It’s a girl.Anyway it wou-it wouldn’t matter.Okay?.Because I’m a teacher and she’s a student.

Elizabeth:Oh is that against the rules?.

Ross:No but it is frowned upon.

Elizabeth:I see.

Ross:Besides there’s a big age difference.

Joey:Oh well think of it like this when you’re 90…

Ross:I know when I’m 90 she’ll be like 80 and it won’t seem like such a big difference.

Joey:No that’s not what I was going to say at all.No what I was going to say is when you’re 90 you’ll still have the memory of what it was like to be with a 20 year old.


   At Monica and Zakery's Me,Chandler,Phoebe,Monica and Zakery are eating breakfast as Joey enters.

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