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-November 25th 1994-

   I enter Central Perk and behind me walks in Joey who is wearing makeup.




Elizabeth:Hey everybody.

Chandler:And this from the cry for help department.Are you wearing makeup?.

Are you wearing makeup?

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Joey:Yes I am.As of today I am officially Joey Tribbiani actor/model.

Chandler:That's so funny cause I was thinking you look more like Joey Tribbiani man/woman.

Elizabeth:What were you modeling for?.

Joey:You know those posters for the city free clinic?.

Monica:Oh wow so you're gonna be one of those healthy,healthy,healthy guys?.

Phoebe:You know the asthma guy was really cute.

Chandler:Do you know which one you're gonna be?.

Joey:No but I hear lyme disease is open so."Crosses fingers".

Chandler:Good luck man.I hope you get it.


   Ross comes over and sits on the couch and looks to Monica.

Ross:"To Monica".Well you were right.How can they do this to us huh?.It's Thanksgiving.

Monica:Ok I'll tell you what.How about I cook dinner at my place?.I'll make it just like Mom's.

Ross:Will you make the mashed potatoes with the lumps?.

Monica:You know they're not actually supposed to have...I'll work on the lumps. Joey you're going home right?.


Monica:And I assume Chandler you are still boycotting all the pilgrim holidays.

Chandler:Yes every single one of them.

Monica:Phoebe you're gonna be with your grandma?.

Phoebe:Yes and her boyfriend.But we're celebrating Thanksgiving in December cause he is lunar.

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