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-April 19th 2001-

   At Central Perk Me,Monica and Phoebe are on the couch as Joey enters.

Phoebe:"To Joey".Oh hey!.How was your audition?.

Joey:I’m sorry do I know you?.

Phoebe:What are you doing?.

Joey:Nothing I’m just practicing blowing you off because I’m gonna be a big movie star!.

Phoebe:Oh...You got it?!.

Joey:Well no not yet.But the audition went really good.

Monica:What was it for?.

Joey:Oh it’s this big budget period movie about these three Italian brothers who come to America around the turn of the century.It’s really classy.Oh and the director is supposed to be the next,next Martin Scorcese.

Phoebe:The next,next?.

Joey:Yeah there’s this guy from Chicago who’s supposed to be the next Martin Scorcese all right?.But then this guy’s right after him.

Joey’s cell phone rings and he answers it.

Joey:"Into phone".Hello!..."To Monica,Liz, Phoebe".They loved me!...Oh my God!...Are you kidding me?.I never rent a movie without it!...Oh...Uh okay uh let me call you back."Hangs up".

Elizabeth:What’s the matter?.

Joey:They want me to be totally naked in the movie.


Joey:I know.My grandmother’s gonna see this.

Phoebe:Grandma’s gonna have to get in line.

-April 26th 2001-

   At Central Perk Me,Joey,Monica and Rachel are sitting on the couch and Ross is sitting on the chair and we’re all talking.

Rachel:Hey.Out of all of us who do you think is gonna get married next?.

Joey:Probably Monica and Zak.

???:"To Gunther".Hi.Could I have a pack of Newport Lights please?.

Gunther:Oh um uh we don’t sell cigarettes but they have them at the newsstand across the street."Points".

???:That’d be great thanks.

Gunther goes and gets them.

Rachel:Oh my God Melissa Warburton...I don’t think I have the energy for this.

Melissa:"Gasps".Oh my God!.Ray-ray Green?."Screams".


Melissa:You have been M.I.A for the past seven sorority newsletters what’s up with you?!.


   Rachel turns and looks at us who are staring at her and Melissa.

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