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-February 1st 1997-

I am at my apartment reading scripts when my phone rings.I pick up the phone and answer it to hear my agent Carlos on the other end.

(Carlos:Hey Liz.

Elizabeth:Hey Carlos.Whats up?.

Carlos:I have a few gigs for you...But they come with a catch.

Elizabeth:Okay Carlos you know by now you can be foreward with me.

Carlos:You will be gone from home till March 25th.

Elizabeth:Okay um I'll call you later.


I finish up my phone call with Carlos and I sigh.Maybe a month and a half away from home will do me good...With all this stuff that's been happening.

-February 2nd 1997-

Yesterday I called Carlos back and I told him I'd take the gigs...Now I have to tell my friends...I walk into Central Perk and I see everyone.

Everyone:Hey Liz.

Elizabeth:Hey guys.

Phoebe:What are you up to?.

Elizabeth:I actually have just been offered 2 gigs.

Joey:Then why do you look sad?.

Elizabeth:Well I'll be gone away from home for almost 2 months...


Elizabeth:Look these are big roles.I will be appearing in 2 movies as a character in this time frame.I will be leaving tommorow.

-March 27th 1997-

I got back 2 days ago and I was updated on everything that happened while I was gone.Currently I am hanging out with Chandler,Phoebe and Ross at Rachel and Monica's apartment as Monica enters.

Monica:Hello people who do not live here.


Elizabeth:Hey Mon.

Monica:I gave you a key for emergencies.

Phoebe:We were out of Doritos.

Ross:Hey how'd the date go with Mr. Millionaire?.

Chandler:Mr.Millionaire new from Snooty Playthings.Third wife sold separately.

Monica:He's great.I mean we have such a good time together.He's so funny and so sweet and I'm not attracted to him at all.


Monica:No!.It's driving me crazy.I mean every other way he's like the perfect guy he has everything.Plus He actually has everything.

Chandler:Life sized Imperial Storm Troopers from Sharper Image?.


Chandler:Wow!.Can Joey and I put them on and fight?.

Joey enters the apartment dancing and singing.

Joey:Oh mommie,oh daddie,I am a big old baddie!.Oh mommie,oh daddie,I am a big old baddie!.

Joey dances around the dinner table and leaves and i chuckle.

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