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-May 24th 2001-

Me,Chandler,Ross and Rachel enter Monica and Zakery's to see everyone there.




Rachel:Welcome home.

Ross:So how was the honeymoon?.

Monica:It was great,It was great.How about you?!.I mean you're having a baby.

Rachel:Oh.Look.I have a sonogram picture.

Monica:Oh great.

Rachel shows them the picture.

Zakery:Ross.It's got your wavy black lines.

Me and Chandler hide our chuckles by smiling at each other.

Monica:All right so now that Ross knows can you tell us y'know how it happened?.I mean when did it happen?.How many times did it happen?.

Phoebe:Monica.That's not right.Start with where.

Rachel:Well it happened about six weeks ago and uh I had just got home from work and Ross was already there cause I guess he had been hanging out with Joey.

Joey:You're welcome buddy.

Ross:"Glaring".Yeah thanks.

Rachel:And so I had a lot of work to do so Ross nice guy that he is offered to help me out.And then we had a little wine we got to talking.and the next thing you know out of nowhere Ross comes on to me.

Ross:"Laughs".Um that's,that's a little misleading.

Rachel:What is?.

Ross:The lie you just told.

Rachel:That,that you came on to me?.

Ross:There's the one.

Rachel:But you did.I mean let's be honest.

Ross:Yes let's.Y'know what?.Uh it's,it's not important.What is important is that,is that we're having a baby.And it's not.Doesn't matter who came on to who.


We all look at him shocked.

Joey:That's right.

Rachel:You know you kissed me first.

Ross:What?,What?!.You were begging me to kiss you.You,you,you were sending me signals all over the place.

Rachel:I was sending you signals?.


Rachel:Oh please.Okay anyone in this room think that I would send Ross begging signals please show of hands.

Ross:"Raises hand".Y'know what?!.It doesn't matter,It doesn't matter what you believe.What matters is what happened.

Rachel:Okay.So these signals Ross explain this to me cause maybe I need to be more careful.I mean am I sending you these signals right now?.

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