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-December 5th 2002-

I am laying down on the couch uncomfortable as the door opens revealing Chandler.


Chandler:Hey hun.How you feeling?.

Elizabeth:Happy your home but I'm very uncomfortable.I'm almost 9 months along with our daughter.

I sit up and Chandler walks over to me giving me a kiss.

Chandler:I know.But you remember how Rachel was.We'll get thru this together and it's all for this little girl of ours.

Elizabeth:I know."Smiles".I love you Chan.

Chandler:I love you too Lizzie.

Elizabeth:So what shall we do?.

Chandler:I don't know.

Elizabeth:Everyone is buisy.


Elizabeth:Yeah I called earlier everyone has plans.

After that we talk about Tulsa and then talk about old memories.

-December 24th 2002-

We are all at Monica and Zakery's Apartment and Phoebe recites the last verse of a poem to Joey.

Phoebe:Sprang to his sleigh,to his team gave a whistle and away they all flew like the down of a thistle but I heard him exclaim ere he drove out of sight.Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.

Joey:"Impressed".Wow that was great!.You really wrote that?.


Chandler and Zakery enter from Zakery and Monica's bedroom.

Zakery:Say goodbye elves we're off to Tulsa.

Monica:I can't believe you're not gonna be here for Christmas.

Ross:"To Chandler".You're really not coming back?.

Chandler:Yeah we have all this paperwork that needs to be filed by the end of the year. If I don't get it done I'll be fired.

Monica:It's so unfair you don't even like your job.

Chandler:So who does?.

Phoebe:Oh I like my job.

Joey:I love my job.

Rachel:Yeah I can't wait to go back to work.

Ross:I can't get enough dinosaurs.

Chandler:"To Liz".I'm sorry I won't be here.

Elizabeth:It's just.It's hard enough not seeing you during the week but for Christmas...alright if this is what you have to do I understand.

Chandler:Thanks."Kisses her".I'll see you New Year's Day.

Elizabeth:"Shocked".You're not gonna be here New Year's Eve?.

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