-April 7th 1996-
At Monica and Rachel's apartment.Carol and Susan are dropping off Ben.
Monica:So your first whole weekend without Ben what're you guys gonna do?.
Carol:Uh we're going down to Colonial Williamsburg.
Susan:Yeah a woman I went to college with just became the first female blacksmith down there.
Ross:Well ya know they're a little behind the times in Colonial Williamsburg.
Carol:Think I better go before mommy starts weeping.
Ross:Bye mommy.
Carol,Susan:We love you.Bye.
Ross:Have a good time.
The women leave.
Ross:Ok Ben.
We look at Joey in the kitchen with a cigar in his mouth looking at his reflection in a spatul.
Elizabeth:Joey do you know we can see you from here?.
Joey:How come Richard looks so much cooler with one of these than me?.
Ross:Well for starters you may want to light it and lose the spatula.
Monica:You know what I think it's cute you trying to be more like Richard.
We all walk over to Joey after Ross puts Ben down in his playpen.
Joey:Not like him per-se just not un-like him.
Chandler enters with his hair full of mousse and a moustache.
Ross:Look it's the artist formerly known as Chandler.
Chandler:Just trying something here ya know.
Monica:So Joey why didn't you grow a moustache?.
Joey:Oh we flipped for it.I got the cigar,he got the moustache.Figured if we both grew it we'd look like dorks.
Ross:Yeah you really sidestepped that land mine.
Chandler:Hey listen we've gotta go I promised Richard we'd meet him downstairs.
Monica:You're meeting Richard?.
Joey:Yeah we're going to a Ranger game.
Chandler:Yeah didn't he tell ya?.
Monica:Well he told me he was going out with the guys I just didn't know that you were the guys.
Chandler:You hear that?.We're the guys.
Joey:We're the guys.
Monica:With that moustache doesn't Chandler remind you of Aunt Sylvia?.
Ross:Thank you.
The boys smile and nod and after a few minutes they leave and after saying our goodbyes I get a yogurt from the fridge and begin eating it.
Elizabeth:"Blushing".I think the moustache suits Chandler.
Monica just looks and stares at me and then she smirks.
Monica:Oh really?.What are your other thoughts?.
Elizabeth:"Blushing".W-what?...Well if he got a hat he could be a cowboy."Shrugs".
Monica:Oh honey you got it bad.

Elizabeth Monroe | Friends Fanfiction
FanfictionElizabeth Monroe (Audrey Landers) is a Singer,Actress and sometimes dancer for certain roles.She is an old friend and sister by heart of Phoebe Buffay's...Little does she know thru Phoebe she'll find family and Love.