-October 14th 1995-
I enter Central Perk with my forms for Tiffany's burial and I have her birth certificate forms.I go over and sit down at the stool at the bar table as everyone watches me as I begin filling out the birth certificate...I write (Tiffany Phoebe Joesphine Monroe) for her name...It took a while but Joey has become a male bestfriend and he was the first one to comfort me at the news of Tiffany's death...Once I finish the certificate I move onto the Burial forms.
Elizabeth:Yeah."Signing forms".
Ross:Usually you say hi.
Elizabeth:Hi."Signing forms".
Rachel:Honey are you okay?.
Elizabeth:Signing burial forms...What do you think Rach?."Not looking up".
Phoebe:Oh...You need a hug.
I look behind me to see Phoebe and she hugs me anyway before she can get an answer.
Elizabeth:"Sighs".I have news...My daughter's mame is Tiffany Phoebe Joesphine Monroe."Smiles".Took a while but I just finalized it.
Phoebe,Joey:After me?.
I nod at the two and they smile.
Elizabeth:Phoebe is the one I've known the longest and is my best female friend so she earns the right...And while everyone was arguing after Phoebe told everyone about the pregnancy...Joey you came and checked on me and you have become one of my bestfriend's so you earned the right too...If I could id name her after all of you but that's to long of a name."Chuckles".
Everyone:Your so sweet.
-October 17th 1995-
I go into Central Perk and no one is sitting on the couch.I walk over and I lay down and groan and put my head into the couch pillow.I hear as everyone walks into Central Perk talking about random things.
Chandler:Woah Liz.Not get any sleep last night?.
Elizabeth:I got everything sent and settled for the Burial...Now she will be buried tommorow afternoon.
I sit up and I notice tears are streaming down my cheeks...Its all so real now...I am gonna be having my child buried...Chandler sits down in the couch and pulls me into a hug.
Phoebe:Don't fear!.We will be by your side Elizabeth!.
I smile at Phoebe as everyone gives me a look saying the same thing and I nod.
Elizabeth:It's just all so real now...Y'know?.
Ross:"Nods".I just hope Ben will be the one burrying me.
Elizabeth:Yeah...Us burrying them is a nightmare I am living...
Rachel:Is the father gonna be there?.
Elizabeth:It was a one night stand and he's a jerk...He doesn't even know I was ever pregnant...And he's not gonna cause there is no use.
Monica:Are you sure?.
Elizabeth:Yeah...I have also decided to have no more one night stands...After Tiffany i think it's for the best.
Joey:Woah no more sex?.That is not like you.
Elizabeth:And how would you know that?.I happen to not have as much sex as you think Joey.
Chandler:Out of everyone you should know that."Chuckles".
Elizabeth:Yeah...I have only slept with like 6 guys total.
Elizabeth:Yeah...First it was Dakery when I was 17...Mattew when I was 22...Samuel when I was 23...James when I was...24...Danny when I was 26 and then Brandon....Tiffany's father.
Monica:Wow you really don't have a lot of sex.
Elizabeth:It's all about choosing non fan boys who will keep it out of the press.
Rachel:Your life must be tough then.
Elizabeth:Nothing I can't handle.
-November 9th 1995-
After 23 days to myself in my apartment after Tiffany's funeral I am at Monica and Rachel's apartment.We are all sitting at the couches as Chandler enters the apartment.
Chandler:Ok what is it about me?.Do I not look fun enough?.Is there something... repellant...about me?.
Rachel:So how was the party?.
Chandler:Well it couldn't have been worse. A woman literally passed through me.Ok so what is it am I hideously unattractive?.
Phoebe:No you are not you are very attractive.You know what I go through the exact same thing.Every time I put on a little weight I start questioning everyting.
Chandler:Woah,woah I've put on a little weight?.
Ross:"Looks to Joey".Do you wanna?.
The two get up and walk away and i look at Chandler not seeing any weight gain.
Phoebe:No not wieght...y'know more like insulation.
Monica:"Stands up".Chandler I'm unemployed and in dire need of a project.Ya wanna work out?.I can remake you.
Chandler:Oh you know I would but that might get in the way of my lying around time.
Joey:Let her do it.
Chandler:Alright ok alright.But if we put on spandex and my boobs are bigger than yours I'm going home.
Phoebe:Your boobs are fine.Look I never should have said anything.Come here. Come here."Hugs Chandler but holds her hands apart behind his back".Oh can't make....hands...meet.
I bite my lip to keep from laughing at Phoebe's teasing as everyone else laughs.Then Chandler finally notices me since I'm sitting at the window.
Chandler:Liz!.Feeling better?.
Elizabeth:Yeah I needed some time but I feel like my old self."Smiles".
Phoebe:"Teasing".He's missed you.
Chandler:"Glares at Phoebe".
Rachel:"Chuckling".Hell we all have.
I smile at everyone.
Elizabeth:I have missed you guys too."Smiles".

Elizabeth Monroe | Friends Fanfiction
FanfictionElizabeth Monroe (Audrey Landers) is a Singer,Actress and sometimes dancer for certain roles.She is an old friend and sister by heart of Phoebe Buffay's...Little does she know thru Phoebe she'll find family and Love.