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-April 5th 2002-

   We are all at Me and Chandler's apartment we are gonna tell them that I'm 7 weeks pregnant and Chandler has to go to Tulsa.Ross and Rachel enter to join everyone.


Ross:Hey.So what's the big news you had us rush all the way over here for?.

Chandler:Okay our news.

Elizabeth:I'm 7 weeks pregnant!.


Chandler:And my company has asked me to head up our office in Tulsa so as of Monday I'm being officially relocated.

Ross:Oh my God!.

Zakery:No way I'm being relocated to Dallas!.On the same day!.




Joey:How long do you have to go for?.

Chandler:They said it could be up to a year.

Joey:A year?!.

Zakery:Same for me.

Rachel:"To Monica" Do you have to go?.

Monica:I kind of have to don't I?.Because of this stupid thing."Points to wedding ring".

Zakery:There is nothing like the support of your loving wife huh?.

Joey:Wait a minute you can't go to Tulsa and Dallas.Maybe you forgot but we've got tickets to the Jets game next week.

Chandler:I'm sorry buddy but I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it.

Joey:We were gonna go see the Jets!.

Ross:You can't go I mean you're the glue that holds this group together!.


Ross:Not you.

Joey:I can't believe you guys are moving.

Phoebe:I call their apartment!.


*Time Lapse*

    I am in the nursery looking at the room and I have my hands on my soon to be baby bump as Chandler enters.



Chandler:I've got good news.

Elizabeth:You got out of the whole Tulsa thing?.

Chandler:Okay I have news.You don't have to move to Tulsa.You can stay here.

Elizabeth:That's great!.How?.

Chandler:Well my boss and I worked out a deal where I only have to be in Tulsa four days a week so the other three I can be here with you.

Elizabeth:So you're gonna be gone four days a week?...No.

Chandler:I'm sorry are you just used to saying that?.

Elizabeth:No.I can't be away from you for that long.


Elizabeth:Yeah you're my husband and the father of my second child.I'm not gonna live in a different state than you for 208 days out of the year.

Chandler:That's fast math.We could use you in Tulsa.

Elizabeth:Chan thanks for trying to figure out a way but if you're going to Tulsa I wanna go with you...Even if i have to leave Dad and Azula and the people whos become brothers and sister to me."Tears up".

Chandler:Hun I don't want to make you leave here....I mean your pregnant....You'll have Monica,Rachel,Phoebe,Ross and Joey to be here for you four days a week.

Elizabeth:B-but what about you?.

Chandler:We can call every day and we can make the babies appointments on days I'm home.

*Time Lapse*

    A few days later we are all at Zakery and Monica's apartment and we are saying our goodbyes to our husband's as Ross enters.

Ross:Oh good you haven't left yet.

Monica:Where have you been?.

Ross:I got held up at Dr.Gettleman's office. There was some guy that freaked everybody out.

Chandler:Well you got here just in time.I really have to go buddy."Hugs him".

Zakery:Me too bro."Hugs him".

Ross:Oh man.

Elizabeth:Promise to call me when you land.

Chandler:Of course I will call you.I love you.

Elizabeth:I love you too."Kisses him".

Rachel:Okay wow,wow,wow.Watch the tongue people we've got a baby over here.

   I chuckle as I pull away from my kiss with Chandler and he bends down putting a hand on my stomach.

Chandler:Daddy will be back soon.

   I tear up at that and smile at him and hug him again as he stands up.

Phoebe:Bye Zakie.

Zakery:Awe."Hugs her".Bye.

Rachel:Bye honey."Hugs him".

   Chandler tries to hug Joey but he moves away.

Chandler:What's the matter Joe?.

Joey:I'm mad at you for leaving!.You're nothing but a big leaver.Big leaver with a stupid suitcase.

Chandler:Any chance you are trying to pick a fight to make all this easier?.

Joey:Dude you see right thru me!.

    They hug and then Joey heads for the door and pushes Chandler's suitcase on the way out.

Chandler:Well bye Lizzie,Mon,Pheebs.Bye Ross,Rachel bye Emma.

Phoebe:Okay bye,bye!."Pushes Zak,Chandler out the door".Good trip!."Slams door".

   Monica runs out to the hallway and I put my hands back on my stomach as tears roll down my face and Ross looks at me and gives me a hug.

Elizabeth:Stupid hormones!.

   Ross chuckles and I wipe my tears away and Rachel hugs me and Phoebe walks over hugging me too.

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