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-May 22nd 1995-

   I get called over to Monica and Rachel's and all of us are waiting for Rachel to return from the airport with Ross.

Chandler:No way!.

Monica:I'm telling you she went to the airport and she's gonna go for it with Ross!.

Phoebe:Oh my god.This is huge.This is bigger than huge.This is like all right what's bigger than huge?.

Joey:Um this?.


   I notice Chandler and Joey's hair are both cut.

Elizabeth:Guys you got your hair cut.

Chandler:Yes,yes we did thanks to Vidal Buffay.

Phoebe:Cause you know."In a voice".If you don't look good,we don't look good...I love that voice.

Rachel enters the apartment out of breath.

Rachel:Airport,airport.Ross,not alone,Julie, arm around her.Cramp,cramp.

Chandler:Ok I think she's trying to tell us something.Quick!.Get the verbs.

Rachel:"Hits Chandler".You,you,you said he liked me.

   Ross and I assume Julie enter the apartment.

Rachel:You,you slowpokes!.

Ross:That's all right Rach we got the bags. Hi,hello.Julie.this is my sister Monica.This is Chandler. Phoebe.Elizabeth,Joey.what up?.

Joey:What up?!.

Ross:Everyone this is Julie.

Rachel:"Out of breath".Julie.


Julie:Hi but I'm not here you haven't met me.I'll make a much better first impression tomorrow when I don't have 20 hours of cab and plane on me.

Ross:And bus.

Julie:Oh my god.

Ross:The screaming guy?.

Julie:And the spitting?.

Ross:You gotta hear this story.

Julie:We're on this bus that's easily 200 years old...

Ross:200 at least.

Julie:And this guy...

Rachel:And the chicken pooped in her lap. Oh I'm so sorry.I just gave away the ending didn't I?.Oh!.It's just,I just heard this story in the cab and it is all I can think about.

Monica:This is amazing.I mean how,how did this happen?.

Julie:Well Ross and I were in grad school together.

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