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-November 8th 2001-

   I am at Central Perk and Ross is on the couch reading a book and Gunther serves him a cup of coffee.

Ross:Thanks for the coffee or bedankt voor de koffie Gunter.

Gunther:Jij spreekt Nederlands?.Dat is te gek.Heb je familie daar?.

Ross:Yeah we’re done.



Ross looks it up in his book.

Elizabeth:"Whispers to Gunther".What did you call him?.


   I can't help but chuckle and Joey enters the Cafe.

Joey:Hey Ross.Listen do you want to go see that new Imax movie on tide pools?.


Joey:"Laughs".No.But I got Knicks tickets for you,me,Zakery and Chandler.


Joey:All right well finish your coffee let’s go.

Ross:Okay I-I just have to stop by my place first.

Joey:To tape the game?.You do this every time Ross you’re not gonna be on TV.

Ross:No,no I-I have to see if this apartment became available.

Elizabeth:Oh you’re switching apartments?.

Ross:It’s not for me it’s for Rachel.

Joey:But Rachel has an apartment.

Ross:Yeah but when the baby comes she’s gonna want to move.

Joey:She is?.

Ross:Yeah you didn’t expect her to live there with a baby did you?.

Joey:I guess I didn’t really think about it.

Ross:"Finds word in book".Ezel."Reads".Hey Gunther.You’re an ezel!.

Gunther:Jij hebt seks met ezels.

Ross:Damn it.

Elizabeth:"Whispers".What did you say this time?.

Gunther:"Whispers".That he has sex with them.

   I laugh and Gunther joins me as I write it down to tell Chandler later.

-November 20th 2001-

   Me and Chandler enter my childhood home to be greeted by my father.

   Me and Chandler enter my childhood home to be greeted by my father

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