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-February 8th 1996-

   At Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler and Joey are sitting in their recliners watching TV.While Me,Monica,Ross and Phoebe are here.

Phoebe:I can't believe two cows made the ultimate sacrifice so you guys could watch TV with your feet up.

Chandler:Well they were chair shaped cows.They never would have survived in the wild.

Ross:This screen is amazing I mean Dick Van Dyke is practically life-size.


Monica:Rose Marie really belongs on a smaller screen doesn't she?.

Rachel enters the apartment.

Rachel:Hi you guys.


Rachel:Hey you.

Ross:Hey you

   The couple stand together in front of the TV.


Rachel and Ross move away.

Rachel:So uh how was your day?.

Ross:Oh you know pretty much the usual uh sun shining,birds chirping.

Rachel:Really?.Mine too.

Phoebe:Hey cool mine too.

Ross:"Beeper goes off".Yeah,yeah,yeah.I got to get to the museum.So um I'll see you tonight.


    The two go to kiss but they see we are watching so Ross just kisses her on the top of her head and leaves.

Ross:Bye guys.


Monica:"Walks up to Rachel in front of the TV".Tonight?.

Chandler,Joey:Hey yo.

    The girls move from out of in front of the TV.

Monica:What's tonight?.

Rachel:It is our first official date.Our first date.

Monica:Uh hello.


Monica:Tonight you're supposed to waitress for me my catering thing any of those words trigger anything for you?.

Rachel:God oh God Monica I forgot.This is our first date.

Monica:Yes but my mom got me this job.

Phoebe:Ok I can be a waitress,I can be a waitress.

Rachel:Oh thank you,thank you,thank you,thank you.See Phoebe,Phoebe.

Monica:Really Pheebs?.Because you know you'd have to be an actual waitress.This can't be like your I can be a bear cub thing.

Phoebe:I can be a waitress.Ok watch this. Um gimme two number ones,86 the bacon, one Adam and Eve on a raft and rick em,la,la,la,la,la,la,la,la,la,la.

-February 9th 1996-

   Later on at Chandler and Joey's apartment.They're still in their chairs watching TV and Chandler is ordering a pizza.

Chandler:"Into Phone".Uh two larges,extra cheese on both.But listen don't ring the buzzer for 19 ring 20 Geller-Green they'll let you in Ok.If you buzz our door there's no tip for you.Ok thanks."Hangs up".Pizza's on the way.I told you we wouldn't have to get up.

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