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-May 8th 1999-

   At Central Perk Me,Chandler,Gary,Phoebe, Monica and Zakery are hanging out.

Gary:"To Phoebe".Would you like some more coffee baby doll?.

Phoebe:I'm fine thanks.

Zakery:"To Monica".Yeah see I can't pull of baby doll can I?.

Monica:No.I think we learned that from the sugarlips incident.I'm gonna get some tea.


    Monica leaves and Zakery moves to talk to Phoebe.

Zakery:Hiya doing pumpkin?.


   Zakery nods in agreement and after a few minutes Gary walks over.

Gary:"To Phoebe".I'll see you after work sweetie."Kisses her".


   Gary leaves and Monica rejoins us at the couch.

Phoebe:So what movie should we see?.

Monica:"Sits down".Gary's gonna ask you to move in with him.


Monica:He just told me at the counter.He made me promise not to tell but I couldn't hold it in any longer.

Phoebe:I can't believe this!.

Chandler:"Terrified".Right because it's fast. Because it's so fast.It's fast!.

Elizabeth:Relax!.It's Phoebe.Not you.

Chandler:Oh!.Good for you Pheebs way to go!."Breathes sigh of relief".

Phoebe:No but it is fast.Isn't it?.


Phoebe:No I like him a lot but I don't think I'm ready for this.

Zakery:So what are you gonna do?.

Phoebe:I don't know.I'll just handle it I'll ask you and Chandler to talk to him.

Chandler:Me?!.Why me?.

Phoebe:Because you are so afraid of commitment!.You talk to him make him scared like you!.Make him a…man!.

Zakery:I'll try but I'm not sure what good it would do y'know?.Because I'm a lot less afraid of commitment than I used to be.

Monica:That is so sweet!.

   Monica kisses Zakery then turns to add some sugar to her tea.

Zakery:"To Phoebe".Still terrified we'll take care of it.No problem.

   Monica turns back and then he smiles and kisses her when she turns away he nods that he'll do it to Phoebe....A few hours later at Central Perk Me and Phoebe are hanging out as she is drinking coffee and Zakery and Chandler enter.

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