-March 19th 1998-
At Central Perk Me,Chandler,Monica,Joey and Rachel are there.Rachel is writing something on a pad and then crumples it up and throws it on the floor.
Chandler:What are you writing?.
Rachel:Well Joshua's coming in tomorrow and since I don't have the guts to ask him out I'm going to sell him a coat and put this note in the pocket.
Chandler:Oh yeah?."Grabs the pad reading it".Joshua give me a call sometime guys like you never go out of style what did you throw away?.
Ross and his new girlfriend Emily enter.
Elizabeth:Hi guys.
Joey:Hey what have you guys been up too?.
Ross:Oh we went to see a collection of Victorian doorknobs and the Cupert Hewitt museum.
Chandler:Without me?!.
Elizabeth:I'll take you there sometime Chan.
Emily:My uncle dragged us there.But it actually it turned out to be really interesting.
Emily:They were so ornate and beautiful I mean look at that."Shows a doorknob".
Monica:I don't know how museums work in England but here you're not supposed to take stuff.
Emily:I uh I got it from the gift shop.They have really lax security there.
Chandler looks shocked at her joke.
Emily:It's a joke.
We all laugh.
Ross:Bye."Kisses her".
Emily:Right I've got to be off I'll see ya. Buh-bye then."Leaves".
Joey:Wow.You guys seem to be having a good time.
Ross:Oh yeah she's,she's amazing.And,and she's so much fun.And Y'know what?.When I'm with her I'm fun.I even signed up for helicopter classes...She's leaving in two days I don't have to do it.
Monica:Oh no two days you must be bummed.
Ross:Yeah she's got to go back to London. But you know what?.I've been prepared for this from the start.We both knew we had two weeks together and that's it.Y'know.
Joey:Hey that's what all my relationships are like.
Chandler:Yes but in Ross's case they both know in two weeks that's it.
Phoebe enters the Cafe.
Ross:"Rubbing her belly".Hello,Hello.
Phoebe:"Angered".Yes I know!,I know!,Yeah!.So the baby is totally craving meat.This afternoon I tried tricking it I made it a soy burger to make it think it was getting meat y'know?.And I got nauseous.
Elizabeth Monroe | Friends Fanfiction
FanfictionElizabeth Monroe (Audrey Landers) is a Singer,Actress and sometimes dancer for certain roles.She is an old friend and sister by heart of Phoebe Buffay's...Little does she know thru Phoebe she'll find family and Love.