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-October 20th 1994-

   I walk towards Central Perk with my breakfast date Danny.As we arrive I turn to him.

Elizabeth:Thank you for the nice date Danny.

Danny:Oh your very welcome Elizabeth.

Elizabeth:"Smiles".So shall we go on another date sometime?.

Danny:"Smirks".Yeah I'll ring you.

I smile at Danny and nod.

Elizabeth:So until next time.


I open the Central Perk door.

Elizabeth:Bye Danny.


   I walk into the Coffee shop and I see Ross and Monica are watching Phoebe sleep and I walk over to them.

Monica:How does she do that?.

Ross:I cannot sleep in a public place.

Monica:Would you look at her?.She is so peaceful.

Phoebe:"Waking up".Oh!.What,what,what!...Hi.

Ross:It's okay y'know you just nodded off again.

Monica:What's going on with you?.

Phoebe:I got no sleep last night.


Phoebe:My grandmother has this new boyfriend and they're both kind of insecure in bed.Oh and deaf.So they're constantly like having to reassure each other that they're having a good time.You have no idea how loud they are!.

Monica:Well if you want you can stay with Rachel and me tonight.


   Chandler and Joey enter.Joey is counting his steps.

Joey:95,96,97.See I told you!.Less than a hundred steps from our place to here.

Chandler:You got way too much free time.

Joey:"To Ross".Hey!.Here's the birthday boy!.Ross check it out hockey tickets, Rangers-Penguins tonight at the Garden and we're taking you.

Chandler:Happy birthday pal.

Joey:We love you man."Kisses Ross".

I chuckle at the action.

Ross:Funny my birthday was seven months ago.


Ross:So I'm guessing you had an extra ticket and couldn't decide which one of you got to bring a date?.

Chandler:Well aren't we Mr.The glass is half empty.

Ross:Oh my God oh is today the 20th October 20th?.

Monica:Oh I was hoping you wouldn't remember.


Elizabeth:What's wrong with the twentieth?.

Chandler:Eleven days before Halloween...all the good costumes are gone?.

Ross:Today's the day Carol and I first.. consummated our physical relationship.

Joey looks confused.

Ross:Sex...You know what I-I'd better pass on the game.I think I'm just gonna go home and think about my ex-wife and her lesbian lover.

Joey:The hell with hockey let's all do that.

Chandler:C'mon Ross!.You,Me,Joey,ice,guys night out,c'mon,whaddya say,big guy."Pretending to punch Ross in the stomach".Huh?.Huh?.Huh?.

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