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-May 15th 1997-

   Everyone except Phoebe is at Central Perk and Bonnie Ross's girlfriend is telling us of her sex life.

Chandler:"To Bonnie".So ah your first sexual experience was with a woman?!.

Bonnie:All right I was 15 it was my best friend Ruth and we got drunk on that hard cider and then suddenly I don’t know we were,we were making out.

Chandler:Tell it again.

Me and Rachel are not amused.


Me,Rachel and Monica at the counter.

Rachel:"To Liz,Monica".I mean is that woman capable of talking about anything else but sex?.

Joey:Yeah sure.Well y'know earlier she was talking about geography.

Monica:Joey she was listing the countries she’s done it in.

Joey:Well I think we all learned something.

Phoebe:"Enters".Hey you guys!.Look what I found!.Look at this!.

Phoebe hands Chandler a picture.

Phoebe:That’s my Mom’s writing!.Look.

Chandler:"Reading back of picture".Me and Frank and Phoebe Graduation 1965.

Phoebe:Y'know what that means?.

Joey:That you’re actually 50?.


Phoebe:No,no that’s not,that’s not me Phoebe that’s her pal Phoebe.According to her high school yearbook they were like B.FF.

Ross and Bonnie look at her questioningly

Phoebe:Best Friends Forever.


Rachel:That is so cool.

Phoebe:I know!.So this woman probably could like have all kinds of stories about my parents and she might even know like where my Dad is.So I looked her up and she lives out by the beach.So maybe this weekend we could go to the beach?.

Everyone:Yeah!,Yeah we can!.

Bonnie:"To Ross".Shoot.I can’t go I have to work.

Ross:That’s too bad.

Rachel:"Sarcastically".Oh big,fat bummer.

Elizabeth:I can't go either.I am understuding for a co worker who got sick last minute.


Phoebe:So great.Okay.Tomorrow we’re gonna drive out to Montauk.

Joey:Hey Bonnie had sex there.

   Rachel turns and gives him a look and Joey quickly apologises.


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