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-December 9th 2001-

   At Central Perk Me,Monica and Phoebe are hanging out as Rachel enters.


Phoebe:Oh hey.So how did your doctor’s appointment go?.

Rachel:Well let’s see.Uh they gave me cute doctor today and in the middle of the exam I put my pinky in his chin dimple.

Phoebe:Oh my God.

Tabitha:Why did you do that?.

Phoebe:Okay remember that little problem I was having during my fourth month of pregnancy?.

Monica:Oh yeah the Evander Holyfield phase.

Elizabeth:Oh man you were so hard up you practically came on to me.

Phoebe:You wish.

Elizabeth:"Teases".Hey I could’ve had you if I wanted you.

Phoebe:Oh yeah?.Come and get it.

Rachel:Okay even this is turning me on.


Rachel:Oh hey,Hey Ross.Hey how’s it,how’s it going with you and Mona?.Are you guys still together?.

Ross:Oh yeah,yeah we’re moving forward. You’ll be getting our card.

Monica:You and Mona are doing a holiday card together?.

Ross:Yeah we’re not just doing a card. Y’know she,she also wants to have the conversation about where the relationship is going.


Ross:I know,I know.Why do you guys need to have this conversation?!.Huh?.I mean no self respecting man would ask a woman.So where is this going?.

Rachel:Uh Ross?.You asked me that.

Ross:Hey.You were a closed book.Okay?.I’m not a mind reader.Besides I hate those conversations.I’m horrible at them.Really. Maybe,maybe I need kind of a gesture. Y’know something that says we’re moving forward without having to talk about it.

Monica:Like asking her to move in with you?.

Ross:Smaller than that.

Elizabeth:Making her a mixed tape?.

Ross:Uh bigger than that.

Phoebe:Give her a key to your apartment.

Ross:Whoa hello.We were closer with the mixed tape.

Monica:All right.Have you said.I love you?. You could say I love you.

Ross:Yeah I-I don’t,I don’t think I’m quite there yet but I could say I love spending time with you.

Phoebe:No we hate that.

Monica:That is a slap in the face.

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