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-October 30th 2002-

   Everyone except Zakery,Chandler and Emma except for them are at Central Perk.I am rubbing my 7 month old Baby bump as Phoebe speaks up.

Phoebe:Oh hey you guys I couldn't get a reservation for the night of my birthday so we have to do dinner Thursday night instead.

Joey:Thursday?.But that's Halloween.


Joey:It's just.So spooky that's all.

Ross:So,so.is Mike coming to dinner?.

Phoebe:No.It's my first birthday with a boyfriend and he has to work.Uch I get mad at him but I think it's a little to soon to show my true colors.

Rachel:Pheebs I would make a reservation for 7 because one of us has to stay home and watch Emma."To Ross".Which one of us should go to dinner?.

Phoebe:Oh Rachel.

Ross:Actually um I was thinking maybe both of us could go.

Phoebe:Oh yay.

Ross:Thanks I put a lot of extra thoughts on your gift.

Phoebe:Alright okay so we can all go now. That is fun.Hey you know what?.We all haven't been together the 8 of us in such a long time.

Monica:What are you talking about?.We're all together right now.

Elizabeth:Um Mon,Zak and Chandler's not here.

Monica:Oh dear god.

-October 31st 2002-

   Chandler enters the apartment as I'm on the couch with my hands on my belly.

Chandler:Hey hun.

Elizabeth:Hey handsome."Smiles".Welcome home.

Chandler grins and kisses me.

Chandler:Glad to be home.

   Chandler puts down his luggage and walks around the couch and puts his hands on my stomach.

Chandler:We still don't have the babies gender.

Elizabeth:Well with the past 6 months things have been crazy.We'll find out later today.

Chandler:Great."Grins".I won't have to say Baby all the time.

Elizabeth:We still don't have names yet Chan."Chuckles".

Chandler:Oh...Thats right.

I laugh at that and Chandler smiles.

Chandler:Thought pregnancy hormones made you cry and not laugh.

Elizabeth:You clearly don't understand hormones.

Chandler:Make me.

Elizabeth:I just might."Smirks".

   I kiss my husband and he helps me off the couch and we go to our bedroom...Later on we are at the ultrasound.We are told the baby is healthy and given ultrasound photos.

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