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-November 21st 1995-

   At Central Perk.Me,Joey,Phoebe,Monica and Chandler are here and Chandler is showing us his new computer.

Chandler:All right check out this bad boy.12 megabytes of ram.500 megabyte hard drive. Built-in spreadsheet capabilities and a modem that transmits at over 28,000 b.p.s.

Phoebe:Wow.What are you gonna use it for?.

Chandler:Games and stuff.

Monica:"Reading the paper".There are no jobs.There are no jobs for me.

Joey:"Reading over her shoulder".Wait here's one.Uh would you be willing to cook naked?.

Monica:There's an ad for a naked chef?.

Joey:No but if you're willing to cook naked then you might be willing to dance naked. And then..."Rubs his fingers together".

Ross enters the shop.


Elizabeth:"Smirks".Hey so how'd you make out last night?.

Ross:That,that is funny.That is painfully funny.No wait.Wait yeah that's just painful

Monica:Wait a minute.I thought last night was great.

Ross:Yeah it was but...I get home ok and I see Julie's saline solution on my night table. And I'm thinking to myself oh my god what the hell am I doing?.I mean here I am,I am with Julie this incredible great woman who I care about and who cares about me and I'm like what am I just gonna throw all that away?.

Joey:You got all that from saline solution?.

Monica:We are talking about Rachel here. You and Rachel.

Ross:Believe me I've been dreaming about me and Rachel for ten years now.But now I'm with Julie so it's like me and Julie,me and Rachel,me and Julie,me and...

Rachel enters carrying a tray.


Rachel:"To Ross".Hey you.

Ross:How are you?.

Rachel:Good.How are you?.


Julie enters he shop and goes over to Ross.

Julie:Hi honey.

Ross:Hi Julie."Nervously".Hi Julie.Julie um how are you?.


Ross:"Uncomfortably".Good so everybody's here.Everybody's good.So were you gonna play something Phoebe?.

Phoebe:Oh well actually.

Ross:Play it.

Phoebe:Ok all right.

Joey:Hey Julie I didn't know you wore lenses.


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