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-January 21st 1999-

   At Chandler's office Me and him are at a party his office is throwing

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   At Chandler's office Me and him are at a party his office is throwing.

Chandler:Look at us all dressed up for the big office party.

Chandler:Look at us all dressed up for the big office party

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Elizabeth:"Chuckles".By the way what are we celebrating?

Chandler:Oh we had a lot of liquor left over from the Christmas party.

Elizabeth:Y'know I think this is so cool because none of our friends are here and we can be a real couple.We don't have to hide.

Chandler:I know I can do this.

He takes my hand.

Elizabeth:"Smirks".Oh and I can do this.

   I kiss Chandler on the cheek and soon Chandler's boss Doug walks up to us.

Doug:Hey Bing!."Slaps his butt".Oh my god it's Elizabeth Monroe and what the hell is she doing with you?.

I laugh at his surprise.

Chandler:I asked myself that very question sir.Elizabeth..This is my boss Doug.Doug this is Elizabeth as you know.

Elizabeth:Hi nice to meet you.

Doug:"Smiles".Hi.And this is my wife Kara.

Kara:Nice to meet you Elizabeth...Bing!."Slaps his on butt".

Doug:Say uh Bing did you hear about the new law firm we got working for us?.

Chandler:No sir.

Doug:Yeah Dewey,Cheatum and Howe.

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