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-June 13th 2003-

Me,Joey,Ross,Monica and Phoebe are at Central Perk I am holding Jayla as Zak and Chandler enter.

Chandler:"Excited".Guys,guys I've got great news!.Guess what?!.

Joey:Uh ah Elizabeth's pregnant?.

Everyone looks at me.

Elizabeth:I just got done being pregnant months ago."To Chandler".Whats your news hun?.

Chandler:Thank you Lizzie.I got a job in advertising.


Zak:Me too.Im working with Chandler!.

Monica:"Hugging Zak".Oh honey that's incredible!.

Phoebe:Gosh what's the pay like?.

Everybody stares at her.

Phoebe:Oh come on people...come on now if I don't know who makes the most how do I know who I like the most."Looks at Joey".Hey Joey!.

Joey:"Winks at her".

Chandler:Actually it pays nothing.It's an internship.

Joey:Oh that's cool.We have interns at Days Of Our Lives.

Zak:Right.So it'll be the same exceptless sex with you.


Ross:So uh what kinda stuff do you think they'll have you do there?.

Chandler:Well it's a training program but at the end they hire the people they like.

Phoebe:"Enthusiastic".That's great.

Chandler:Yeah I mean there's probably gonna be some ground work which will probably stink you know grown man getting people coffee is a little humiliating.

At the same time Gunther puts down a cup of coffee in front of Chandler.

Chandler:"Grins awkwardly".Humiliating and noble.

Gunther shoots a nasty look at him while leaving.

Ross:You know if I didn't already have a job I think I would have been really good in advertising.

Monica:Ross you did not come up with got milk.

Ross:Yes I did,I did!."Turns to Joey disappointed".I should have written it down.

-June 14th 2003-

I am at Monica and Zak's Apartment with Jayla and Monica sits on the couch as Joey enters.

Monica:Hey how did the audition go?.

Joey:Well they wanna see me again this afternoon but er well Lennart Haze did not like me."Sits down".

Elizabeth:What happened?.

Joey:Well he said I wasn't urgent enough you know and that everything I did was horizontal and I should be more vertical. Oh and he said that I should think less.

Monica:So far so good.


Zak and Chandler both enter carrying large boxes.

Zak:Honey we're old!.

Monica stands up walking toward Zak as I stand up holding Jayla and walk towards Chandler.

Monica:What's wrong?.


Chandler:We are so much older than these other interns.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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