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"so let me get this straight

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"so let me get this straight. park jisung, the boy who made it his mission to bug the shit out of you in middle and high school paid for the boba without realizing it was you?" renjuns jaw was dropped as he recited what his twin had explained. yujun nodded curtly, watching the show that was playing in front of her.

"he wasn't as emo and tall back then but jesus now he has a deep ass voice and he actually kind of has style. he's still friends with chenle though, not surprised." the girl chuckled, turning her head when she saw her aunt walking into the door of their house.

"she's finally arrived!" yujun exclaimed teasingly, earning an eye roll from the older woman.

huang yinxiu, not much older then the two only being 25. she had dyed blonde hair that fell right below her shoulder blades. she was tall compared to the two young adults, being around 5'10, not to mention she wore heals most of the time.

yinxiu worked as the ceos assistant at a modeling company called angel corp productions. it paid big money and was one of the main reasons that they were fortunate enough to live in an actual house and not a run down apartment. even if it was still in the ghetto.

"mr. kim was all over the place today. my poor feet, you think they'd get used to walking around all day everyday." yinxiu groaned as she plopped down on the couch next to her niece and nephew. "should've just told the bunny man, i'm sure he'd love to stop whatever he was doing for you." renjun giggled, poking the woman's side only to earn a glare.

"i told you not to call him bunny man. and don't say that, mr. kim barley even sees me as a human so." she huffed, running a hand through her hair and pulling it into a messy bun. "but speaking of him, he invited us to the new years party he's throwing."

the two gave each other a look, clicking their tongues and shaking their heads. their aunt was an oblivious woman. "why don't you go on your own?" yujun whined, drinking from her boba can once again.

"because idiot, he invited all of us. plus he said his little brother and his friends would be there so it won't all be adults and stuff." yinxiu continued to explain, stealing some of the chips from renjuns bowl. the two were silent, giving a judging look to their guardian.

they knew she knew that they were extremely introverted and hated people, especially rich people. "please guys. just this one time? i don't have anything planned and i can't get fireworks or a big dinner for new years like i always have." the eldest pleaded, looking from yujun and renjun.

"we could always steal so-"

"huang yujun stealing is not always the answer." yinxiu hissed, hitting the girl over her head. "but it could be!" yujun rolled her eyes, rubbing the back of her skull. "actually it's not a bad idea, free food at a rich persons house..." renjun trailed off, raising a brow mischievously at his twin.

"oh my god what did i do to have to raise to criminals?" yinxiu closed her eyes momentarily, throwing her head back while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"fine whatever, we'll go to your boyfriends stupid new years party. but don't expect us to socialize." yujun pointed at the older before standing from her seat on the couch. "later losers, i'm going to hang out with fong and hyungwo." she smiled, grabbing her phone and shoving it in the pocket of her grey sweats.

"but it's nearly midnight?" renjun raised a brow, looking over at the clock. "if you want to come with just say so jun." yujun rolled her eyes, walking towards the front door with renjun trailing behind her.

"say hi to them for me! and be safe!" yinxiu called out to the twins, earning a chorus of "we will" from them at the same time. "ugh that will never not be weird." she shivered.

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