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yujun wordlessly sat at an empty table in the cafeteria, her only break of the day being now

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yujun wordlessly sat at an empty table in the cafeteria, her only break of the day being now. it wasn't a long break but it was good enough.

as she was in eating the udon she had bought, a cold object touched her ear causing her to gasp. she quickly looked up to see jeno standing there with a cold cup of strawberry matcha boba.

"oh my god you're my savior." she gasped, accepting the drink and the straw. she immediately poked the straw in the plastic cup, taking a sip and letting out a content sigh after. "i had a free period so i got you and hyuck drinks. you both seemed equally stressed." jeno chuckled, sitting next to her at the table.

"thanks eyesmile, it's very much appreciated." yujun smiled at the younger, drinking more from the cold beverage. "oh hey by the way have you picked your partner for the upcoming performance? momos been wanting me to make sure everyone can pick theirs as soon as possible."

jeno nodded to her words, a faint blush creeping into his cheeks. "actually i was asked by seo hayoon so we'll work together." he stuttered out, earning a look from the chinese girl in front of him.

"aw does wittle jeno have a wee crush on seo hayoon? is that why you look like my shorts right now?" she signaled to her dark red shorts with a smirk, leaning to slap his cheeks lightly. "it's alright. hayoons hot so i'm rooting for you." light chuckles left her mouth as she sat back in her seat.

"don't steal my girl huang."
"oh we're getting possessive arent we lee?"

yujun continued to tease the younger boy, basically making him the most flustered he's ever been. he sat with his head in his hands, begging yujun to stop giving him the idea of him being able to hold her waist during their duet.

"now the question is do i want to ask why jeno looks flustered or do i want to save myself from getting mad." jisungs deep voice pulled the two out of their own little world, both of them turning to see him standing there with an annoyed expression.

"yah yah yah what's got you all pissed off aye? someone put your panties in a twist? was it jung chohee trying to get into your pants?" yujun teased, earning an annoyed glare from the younger boy. "my panties aren't in a twist and chohee didn't try to get into my pants." he spat.

"are you sure? because from one glance you look quite angry. maybe it was you who couldn't get in her pants? oh no that's not logical she's practically obsessed with you." yujun continued on with her teasing, deep smirk playing her lips as her fingernail traced the top of her boba.

"she's not obsessed with me, yujun." jisung defended, the look in his eyes getting darker every second yujun teased him. this just fueled her amusement further. "is that so?" yujun hummed, taking a sip of her drink.

"then why does she get all riled up when i'm around? why does it feel as tho she thinks were in a competition now that you've got me around?" she inhaled through her teeth, tilting her head.

"perhaps you two are actually together already. if so leave me out of your couple stuff, i'd rather not be in the middle of two annoying brats with daddies money-"

"huang yujun!" jisung yelled out abruptly, catching the attention of the whole cafeteria. he immediately whipped his head to look at all the people who were watching him now, slowly becoming anxious.

"what?" yujun looked at him as if he was crazy. "why did he just yell at me? yah are you crazy? do you want to die?" the chinese mocked, holding up her hand as if she were gonna hit him.

"honestly embarrassing i was just playing with you and you know it." she rolled her eyes, standing from the table and giving jeno a silent goodbye before walking back to the studio.

very much in love with the female lead of its okay to not be okay wtf she's so hot

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