𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯

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"why would you do that?" chohee hissed as she tried to catch up with yujun

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"why would you do that?" chohee hissed as she tried to catch up with yujun. "do what, save your ass from utmost embarrassment?" yujun said nonchalantly, looking over her shoulder with a smirk.

"were supposed to hate each other huang! why would you do that to yourself?" the korean was obviously annoyed, pent up anger just ready to burst with one single push. "look, don't look into it too much jung." yujun sighed, taking out her key to open the door to the studio.

"you literally just told everyone my nudes were yours! it's so obvious they weren't!" chohee cried, walking into the studio with the girl and slamming the door behind her.

what she didn't expect was to be pushed up against the wall with both of yujuns hands slammed on the side of her head.

"listen jung, i do the things i do for a reason. you might be a bitch but that doesn't mean i'm not gonna stop people from talking about you because some sick dickhead thought he was funny." the chinese girl spat, fiery eyes peering right into chohees.

"yeah but at some point they'll realize that is wasn't you because i don't know if you noticed but you have that tattoo right on your hip bone and i don't." chohee fired right back, jabbing a finger in the direction of yujuns hip.

"no one would know that unless they look hard enough idiot." yujun rolled her eyes. "don't call me idiot idiot." chohee snapped. the problem about these two fighting was they were both just as fierce and confident.

it was like fighting fire with fire, really no end to it except for all hell.

"that was- woah, we missed a lot." jaemin gasped as he walked through the door of the studio with the rest of the boys, all of them freezing at the sight of chohee pushed against the wall by yujun.

"no, you fucking didn't." yujun sighed out, running a hand through her purple hair. they were all taken back by her hostility. "nothing happened so you can all fuck off before class starts." she glared at each of them, annoyance evident in her voice.

"well we were gonna talk about the trip tomorrow right now." jeno pursed his lips. "dont mind her, she gets like this when she's really angry and on her period, just so happens to be both." renjun rolled his eyes, throwing his bag on the ground and going to fall back onto one of the folding chairs.

yujun glared even harder at her twin, giving him her middle finger.

"me and jisung are gonna go do something. update is one whatever you talk about okay?" chohee smiled, obviously still angry with the situation. jisung gave a confused expression but couldn't say anything before he was dragged out of the studio by the older girl.

yujun rolled her eyes hard, folding her arms over her chest and looking at jeno. "well? get on with it."

choheeXyujun pog? 😳

𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔷𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰-𝔭𝔧𝔰 Where stories live. Discover now