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the feeling, the feelings so supersonic

"so boss, good news everything is good with your car we even put extra charge

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"so boss, good news everything is good with your car we even put extra charge. uh bad news.... that jisung guy is here." fong explained as the three walked earning a snarl from the older girl. "little bitch won't get off my damn dick." she mumbled walking towards the racing place.

she quickly pulled her black hoodie over her head, tucking her hair into a bun and pulling on her mask.
it would be harder to see her seeing it was night time therefore dark colors would conceal her identity at least a little.

she scanned the area, eyes falling to jisung momentarily but finding singh right after, the elder male walking towards her with a very large smile.

"so you must be the infamous Ren i'm-" he was gonna introduce himself but she stoped him, holding out her hand and shaking her head. he gave her a confused look but when she pulled off her mask it changed into a surprised one.

"park sungho i know. i also know your little follower over there is here to snoop about my real identity and id rather he not know it's me just because i know he'll use it to be annoying as fuck." she said simply, causing sunghos expression to once again go confused.

"follower?" he asked as jisung approached them. "never mind babes, good talk but i'm off." yujun said before turning on her heal and walking over to car, not failing to hear hosing call out a faint 'huang yujun' as she did so.

she was smart enough not to turn around to it though. you can't fool the ren into exposing her identity to people she knows for no reason.

"boss we have an escape rout for you if you need to get out quickly." fong said as she pulled her hoodie off to pull her hair into a pony tail quickly and put a cap over it.

"he won't see me." she said pulling a ponytail through the small hole in the black cap. after sitting in the car she pulled off her mask and checked her mirrors, not forgetting to catch jisungs gaze in the rear view mirror.

sending a wink to the younger boy, she sighed revving the cars engine. at this point she gave up on concealing her identity from the boy, she didn't exactly know why he was in the first place.

but then she remembered that park jisung was the master of black mail. she basically dug her own grave showing up for this race yet some part of her still got an adrenaline rush from it.

the announcer set up his mic, announcing that they were starting the race and that all the racers should be sure they were prepared.

and then with that started the countdown.

"alrighty ladies and gentlemen the race will now start in, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 RACE!" and they were off.

this should be an interesting race.

this is like super short but whatever anyways i just wrote like a short fic part based on a dream i had dmwkenej i wrote things i never once thought i'd write

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